Friday, March 14, 2025

8th pass Anganwadi Helpers/ workers ward wise Selection/Merit list

8th pass Anganwadi Helpers/ workers ward wise merit list


Subject: Publication of ward wise merit list of candidates for selection as Anganwadi Helpers (Sahayikas), objections if any thereby.

Advertisement Notice

■ Whereas, in the light of the H. R. Policy issued vide Govt. order No: 222 – JK (SWD) of 2022 dated: 31.11.2022. 31 (Thirty one) No. of Vacancies of AWHs were identified in Poshan project Khanyar in phase 1st of 2023.

■ Whereas, an advertisement notice bearing No. CDPO/Posh/Khy/Estt/2023-24/174-83 dated: 23.05.2023 and for 31 (Thirty one) No. of Posts were published
in the prominent local dailies to invite application forms from desirous female candidates residing in respective wards as per the eligibility.

■ Whereas, in response to said advertisement notice 30 application forms were received by this office till due date against 31 vacancies.

■ Whereas, the list of 15 candidates only have been formulated for 15 posts of AWHs (Sahayikas) out of 31 posts as per the forms received and after verified
all the forms / documents.

■ Whereas, merit list has been formulated ward wise on the basis of Marks percentage secured by candidate in 10th class examination and the said merit list was put before selection committee for approval and publication.

■ Whereas, the District Level Selection Committee which met on 31.07.2023 in office chamber of District Programme Officer, Poshan Srinagar (Chairperson)
accorded for approval for the publication of merit list in prominent local dailies to invite objections from the concerned, if any within a period of 10 days from the publication of this notice.

8th pass Anganwadi Helpers/ workers Recruitment 2023, know how to apply

Therefore in view of above the ward wise merit list forming annexure to this office letter of female candidates who have applied for the post of Anganwadi
Helpers (Sahayikas) for 15 AWH posts is hereby published on prominent local dailies to invite objections if any regarding merit of the candidates and being the resident of the ward from the general public within a period of 10 days. No objection shall be entertained after the expiry of stipulated time period and said merit list shall be considered final for the selection of Anganwadi Helpers (Sahayikas) and engagement order shall be issued as per the merit with fulfillment
of other requirements as per H. R. Policy.

8th pass Anganwadi Helpers/ workers ward wise merit list

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