University Of Kashmir Recruitment 2023, Interview Notice
INTERVIEW NOTICE hereby notified for the information of all the concerned that the interview of the eligible
candidates for the post of Contractual Lecturers in Bio-resources who had applied in response to University advertisement notice No. F(Ndvt-1ll-Appt-CL)DAA/KU23 Dated: 28.04.2023 shall be conducted as per the following schedule:
All the eligible candidates who have applied for the said posts are directed to appear before the Selection Committee at the above given venue on the scheduled date and time. The candidates are advised to bring with them the original copies of their qualification/ degree certificates /marks certificates from Matriculation to PG course/ M.Phil/Ph.D and testimonials and copies of thesis dissertation. research publications etc. at the time of interview. Further. no TA/DA will be paid to the
candidates for appearing in the interview and also no individual call letters will be sent.