Weather Update For the next 7 days over J&K
11th March : Generally cloudy sky with light rain/snow is expected at some parts of J&K. Sunshine possible over plains.
12th March : Generally cloudy sky with light snow/rain is expected at some parts.
13th March : Light to moderate rain in plains of J&K with snowfall over higher reaches.
14 March : Intermittently rain showers over plains with moderate to heavy snowfall over higher reaches.
15th March : intermittent rain /snow is expected over most places. Higher reaches may receive good snowfall.
16th March : Generally cloudy sky with light snow/rain is expected at some parts. Improvement in weather is very likely from afternoon/evening.
Weather is very likely to stay erratic/rainy for the next 6 days .
No continuous rain /snow is not expected. Sometimes sunshine is possible although weather is to stay generally cloudy.
Peak activity or most rain and snow will be seen on 13,14 & 15 march. Few higher reaches may receive heavy snowfall.