Friday, March 14, 2025

Govt Medical College Anantnag Recruitment 2023, details here

Govt Medical College Anantnag Recruitment 2023, details here

Engagement of candidates for the post of Senior Residents in Government Medical College, Anantnag.

Order No. 39 GMCA (RA) of 2023
Dated: 31.05.2023

In accordance to the Govt. order No. 283 JKHME of 2023, Pursuant to the recommendations of designated selection committee for the post of Senior Residents/Tutor/Demonstrator in Government Medical College, Anantnag. The below mentioned candidates are hereby
engaged as Senior Residents/Tutor/Demonstrators on academic arrangement basis under S.O-364 of 2020 dated 27.11.2020, initially for a period of one year which can be extended on the basis of satisfactory performance and conduct of the individual selectees upto a maximum of 03 (three) years. The selected Non PSC candidates are directed to submit their credentials for CID verification in the office of Registrar Academics GMC Anantnag within a period of 03 Days and will be allowed to join only after receiving the satisfactory report of their credentials from the CID department vide
Govt. Order No. ME-GZTD/318/2021 Dated 18.03.2022.

The appointment of above Doctors is subject to the following terms and conditions:-
1 Before joining, the selectee shall submit an affadavit duly attested by the Judicial/ First Class Magistrate to the effect that:-
a) If the information furnished by him/her in the application form is found wrong at any point of time, he/she shall be liable to be punished under rules including con scation of the registration of the Doctor.
b) He/she will not participate in any kind of strike during the period of his /her tenure
engagement. In the event he/she proceeded on strike, his/her tenure engagement shall
be terminated without any notice, as this service is covered under ESMA Act.
c) He/she shall remain disciplined during the tenure period. Any kind of misconduct shall
make him liable for termination without any prior notice.
d) He/she is not involved in any criminal activity or there is no FIR pending/ registered in any criminal Department or police station against him/her.
e) He/she will not leave the department before the completion of Senior Residency term,
however abandoning/ terminating of the arrangement in the department will required one month prior notice on either side falling which the salary shall not be paid for one month to the incumbent which shall always remain in deposit with the department and shall be released on completion of sanctioned term.
f) Leaving the job midway without prior notice shall not entitle him/her for any experience
g) He/she will not indulge in any private practice. In case he/she is found practicing in private capacity, his/her appointment shall be liable to be terminated without any notice.
h) He/she will reside in the vicinity of their posted respective Associated Hospitals during their tenure at GMC Anantnag.
i) Consequent upon non joining of the selected candidate, The candidate falling next
in the merit list will be engaged.
2. Non-PSC selectees shall have to execute an agreement with the Institution on prescribed
format (Form-A) with regard to various terms and conditions applicable during the academic arrangement.
3. PSC confirmed appointees are required to furnish the no objection certificate from Director Health Services concerned before their joining, failing which they will not be allowed to join.
4. PSC confirmed appointees are required to join the College within a period of 07 days from the date of issuance of this order failing which the appointment of the concerned appointee shall be cancelled ab-intio.
Senior Residents appointed on academic arrangement basis shall be paid as per S.O-364 of 2020 dated: 27-11-2020.

Govt Medical College Anantnag

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