Monday, March 10, 2025

IUST Jobs Recruitment 2023, check last date, Qualification, how to apply

IUST Jobs Recruitment 2023, check last date, Qualification, how to apply


IUST Jobs Recruitment 2023: Applications in the prescribed format are invited from the eligible and interested candidates for the position below in the research project “Artificial Intelligence Based Deep Learning Model to Predict Gastric Cancer Tumor Heterogeneity and Therapeutic Response Using Histopathology Images.”

The project has been sanctioned by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Government of India, New Delhi. The engagement is purely temporary and co-terminus with the duration of the project.

The last date of submission of applications is 30-10-2023, and interested candidates may send their duly filled application form (as per format) along with their detailed CV/Biodata and relevant certificates (in
PDF format) through email to Dr. Muzafar A. Macha, Principal Investigator (Email:
[email protected] and [email protected]). The date of the interview shall be notified
separately. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview. For full details, including the format
for the application, please visit the university website (;
Further updates shall be made available on the university website only.


1. The above post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project and the candidates shall not claim for regular appointments in the university.

2. The appointment will be initially for one year but extendable maximum up to the duration of the project based on the performance.

3. The salary component is subject to the release of funds by the funding agency.

4. Eligible candidates must bring all the testimonials/certificates (in original and one attested copy) at the time of interview.

5. No TA/DA will be provided to the candidates appearing for the interview.

6. Candidates will have to produce original documents relating to their qualification, experience etc. at the time of appearing in the interview.

7. The University reserves the right to defer / not to filling up of post advertised here-in above, without assigning any reason thereof.

8. The terms and conditions governing the service shall be as per the rules & regulations of university and/or funding agency (wherever applicable) with amendments from time to time.

9. Age relaxation will be as per rules of IUST and/or funding agency (wherever applicable).

Click here for complete notification

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