Saturday, June 29, 2024

Jammu Kashmir weather update for next upcoming days (26 june-02 July)

Weather Update for Jammu & Kashmir: June 26, 2024


The Meteorological Centre in Srinagar has issued the latest weather update for Jammu & Kashmir, covering the period from June 26 to July 4, 2024. The current weather conditions are mainly clear to partly cloudy across most regions. Here is the detailed forecast and advisory:

Current Weather: Mainly clear to partly cloudy at most places.


June 26-27: The weather is expected to remain generally dry with the possibility of a brief spell of rain or thundershower at a few places towards the late afternoon or evening.

June 28-30: The weather will become generally cloudy with spells of light to moderate rain or thundershowers at many places.

July 1-4: The forecast indicates partly to generally cloudy conditions with intermittent spells of light to moderate rain or thunder at many places.

Advisory ⚠

– Expect hot and humid weather conditions over many places in Jammu & Kashmir during the next two days.

Residents and visitors are advised to stay hydrated and take necessary precautions to cope with the hot and humid weather. Keep an eye on the sky for potential brief spells of rain or thundershowers, especially in the late afternoon or evening on June 26-27.

Stay updated with the latest weather forecasts and advisories from the Meteorological Centre Srinagar to plan your activities accordingly.

For further updates and detailed weather information, visit our official website: [](


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