Saturday, March 15, 2025

JKBOPEE Admission Notice 2023

JKBOPEE Admission Notice 2023: Conduct of counseling (Physical) for admission to B.Ed. Courses-2023 at Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE), Srinagar / B.Ed. Special Education in Composite Regional Centre (CRC), Srinagar.

In pursuance of Notification No. 028-BOPEE of 2023 dated 10-05-2023, the Board
had notified the provisional merit list of eligible candidates who had appeared in
Common Entrance Test for admission to B.Ed. Courses-2023 in the Institute of Advanced
Studies in Education (IASE), Srinagar/Govt. College of Education, Canal Road, Jammu/B.Ed.

Special Education in Composite Regional Centre (CRC), Srinagar, for objections, if any,
against their Entrance Marks / Rank up to 13-05-2023. It was also notified in the above
referred Notifications that in case no objections are received within the prescribed date, the provisional merit shall be deemed to be final. Since Board has not received any
representation / objection(s) from any candidate till 13-05-2023 about their rank/position assigned to the candidates on the basis of marks secured by them in the Entrance Test. As such, the PML has been deemed as final.

Now, it is hereby notified for information of all the eligible concerned candidates
that the Board shall conduct Physical Round of Counselling for admission in the Institute
of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE), Srinagar & B.Ed. Special Education in
Composite Regional Centre (CRC), Srinagar of the candidates who figure in Annexure – A
to the Notification No. 028-BOPEE of 2023 dated 10-05-2023 as per the following

1. The eligible / desirous candidates who are willing to take admission in the
Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE), Srinagar or B.Ed. Special
Education in Composite Regional Centre (CRC), Srinagar shall have to report
physically at the BOPEE offices Jammu/ Srinagar for Registration/Attendance
between 08:30 A.M to 10:00 A.M. on above mentioned date.
2. Candidates are advised to bring along with them their Domicile Certificate,
valid Category Certificate, if any, and other relevant certificates/ documents
including Marks Cards of all years/ Semesters of Qualifying Examination, as applicable for the said course to be presented at the time of counselling,
otherwise they shall not be allowed to participate in the counselling process.
4. The seat matrix shall be uploaded on website of the Board separately in due
course of time before admission.
5. For latest updates related to the counselling, the candidates are advised to
remain in touch with the Website of the Board ( regularly for updates.
6. Any candidate who may not be able to attend the counseling personally
owing to a valid reason can authorize a person (through Authority Letter-on
prescribed format) from his/her family member to participate in the
counseling on his/her behalf at BOPEE offices Jammu/Srinagar on the day/date of counseling as per his/her Rank.
7. The candidates provisionally selected for this course in any of above College /
Institute are advised to contact concerned College/Institute for admission fee
and other requisite formalities before coming for counselling.
8. The Counselling Schedule for admission to Government College of Education,
Canal Road, Jammu shall be notified separately as already mentioned in the
Notification No. 028-BOPEE of 2023 dated 10-05-2023.

The other terms and conditions shall remain the same as notified in the e-Information Brochure/ Notifications/Notices issued by the Board in this regard from time to time.

Jkbopee Admission

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