Wednesday, March 26, 2025

JKBOSE 10th 12th Result 2024 in Coming weeks, know how to check

JKBOSE 10th & 12th 2024 Result: Students in Jammu and Kashmir eagerly awaiting their board examination results will soon have their wait over. The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) is poised to declare the results for class 12th and 10th in the coming weeks. According to official sources, the class 12th results are expected to be announced by the second week of June, while the class 10th results are slated for release by the third or fourth week of June. This news has brought a mix of anticipation and anxiety among students, parents, and educators alike.In an exclusive conversation with Daily Spark News, officials from the Board of School Education revealed that the results are nearly ready, with only the final formalities pending. “We are in the last stages of processing the results,” an official stated. “Once all the necessary checks and formalities are completed, we will make an official announcement.” This update has given students a clearer timeline for when they can expect their results, allowing them to plan their next steps accordingly.The Board’s decision to release the class 12th results before the class 10th results has been made to align with the academic schedules and the importance of these examinations for higher education admissions. “The class 12th results are critical for students seeking admission to colleges and universities,” the official explained. “We aim to ensure these results are out first to facilitate a smoother transition for students moving on to higher education.” This prioritization reflects the Board’s understanding of the academic calendar and the pivotal role these results play in shaping students’ futures.Parents and students have expressed both relief and apprehension at the forthcoming announcements. The release of these results marks a significant milestone in the academic journey of students, determining their eligibility for further education and setting the stage for their future careers. Many parents are optimistic yet anxious, hoping for favorable outcomes that reflect the hard work and dedication their children have put into their studies. For students, the results will be a culmination of months of preparation and effort, with many already contemplating their future academic and career choices.As the Board gears up for the official declaration, students are advised to keep their registration details handy to swiftly access their results once they are announced. The JKBOSE website will be the primary platform for result dissemination, ensuring that students can easily check their scores. The Board also plans to provide the results through SMS services to cater to areas with limited internet access, ensuring all students receive their results promptly and efficiently.

The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education is likely to declare the class 12th & 10th Results by 2nd & 3rd week of June respectively, official souces said here on saturday.

Official souces in the Board of School Education told Daily Spark News that, class 10th & 12th results are most likely to be declared by 3rd & 2nd week of June, respectively.

Results are almost ready, with final fomalities going on, we are waiting it to get completed and will officially announce it, he said

Most likely we will announce class 12th results first by 2nd week of June, while 10th results are likely to be declared by 3rd or 4th week of June, he said.

Read Also JKBOSE 10th 12th Result 2024 Date Announced, check by name

It is pertinent to mention that class 10th examinations commenced on 4th April concluded on 6th May, while as class 12th examination commenced on 8th April concluded on 11th May.

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