Thursday, February 27, 2025

JKSSB Final selection List for Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent posts

JKSSB Final selection List of the candidates for the post of “Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent” (Level 6E; Item No. 655; UT cadre), of Animal/Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries Department advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 04 of 2021 dated: 17-07-2021.

Consequent upon the receiving the indent/requisition from the Animal/Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries Department, vide Indent No. ASH/Coord/24/2014 dated 25- 09-2020, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (SSB), vide Notification No. 04 of 2023 died: 17-07-2021, among other posts, advertised six (06) posts of Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent, as per the following break-up:

The Computer Based Test (CBT) for said posts was conducted on 08-02-2023 and the result/score sheet of the candidates was published on 31.05.2023. This was followed by Document Verification (DV) and Supplementary Document Verification (SDV) of the candidates falling under consideration zone. On the basis of merit of the candidates as obtained in the CIIT examination and category-wise break up of vacancies, the Provisional Selection Ust for these posts was framed and after taking into consideration the objections/representations of the candidees, the Final Selection List for these posts of Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent was notified vide in JKSSB PLAN/27/2023-03(E-7283041) dated 07.11.2023.

Accordingly, the undersigned directed to forward herewith the Final selection ist for the aforementioned six (06) pusts of Inspector Feheres/Farm Manager/valent as per Annexure- A to this communication

The above Selection list shall be subject to the outcome of writ petitions), any penting deposal before any competent Court of jurisdiction related to the selection The Selection List shat also be subject to the outcome of any our invohing any candidates), figuring in this Selection Lt The document verification/scrutiny conducted by the Board is imited to the extent of establing physical possession of Category/Degree certificates. Ascertaining genuineness/walidity or otherwise of the same and recognition status of the Institutiory/College/University, shall be the sole responsibility of the Indenting Department/Appointing authority

It is further requested that in cee any certificata/document, during the course of verification, turns out to be fake/fictitious, the Board may kindly be intimated and appropriate criminal proceedings against such candidates may kindly be initial Further, in terms of Government Order Ne: 1003-(GAD) of 2021 dated 27.09.2021, the candidates whose recommendation is released by the Selection Agency shall submit the verification role in triplicate before the appointing authority within a period of 21 days from es release, taking which the candidate(s), in the case may be,shall forego the right to appointment forthwith The selection list is also available on the website of Jax Service Section Board www.sabc.) and may be cross verified from it, if required.

JKSSB Final selection List Download pdf

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