Friday, March 14, 2025

JKSSB Final selection List for Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent Posts

JKSSB Final selection List for Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent Posts

Subject: Final selection List of the candidates for the post of Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent (Level 6E; Item No.655), UT Cadre, Animal/Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries Department, advertised vide Notification No. 04 of 2021 dated: 17.07.2021.

Whereas, the Animal/Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries Department, vide Indent No. ASH/Coord/24/2014 dated 29.09.2020, among other posts, forwarded the requisition for making direct recruitment to six posts of Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent, as detailed below:

Whereas, the Board advertised these 06 posts vide Notification No. 04 of 2021 dated 17.07.2021, for seeking applications from the eligible candidates and the cutoff date ie, the last date for applying for these posts and determining the eligibility/academic qualification and validity of category certificates and other such documents of the candidates was 17.09.2021; and

Whereas, as per the Indent, the qualification prescribed for the said post of Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent in the Animal Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries Department, is as follows:

Whereas, in terms of the notified criteria, the selection for these posts was to be made on the basis of the Written Examination only and, accordingly, the 3JKSSB conducted Computer Based Test (CBT) on 08.02.2023; and

Whereas, on the basis of performance of the candidates in the aforesaid CBT, the Board, vide Notification No. JKSSBOCOEDEXAMUT)/06/2023-04 (7119979) dated 31.05.2023, published the result/score sheet of the candidates. After the publication of Result/Score Sheet, the candidates falling under the consideration zone were called for Document Verification vide Notification JKS580COEDEXAM(UT)/48/2023-03 (7207093) dated 13.06.2023 Supplementary Document Verification JKSSB- COEDEXAM(UT)/48/2023-03(7207093) dated 16.06.2023; and

Whereas, the Provisional Selection List, in accordance with ment obtained by the candidates and having regard to the rules governing the subject, was notified vide No, JKSSB-PLAN/27/2023-03 (E-7283041) dated 19.10.2023; and

Whereas, the Provisional Selection list, inter-alia provided that any candidate feeling aggrieved with it, shall represent in the Board with objection, if any. After due examination and scrutiny of the representations received in response to the notification of the Provisional Selection List, the Selection Committee framed the Final Selection List for these posts of Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/ Equivalent, which was subsequently approved in the 242nd Board Meeting held on 02.11.2023.

Now therefore, the Final Selection List of the candidates for the posts of Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent, (Level 6E; Item No. 655; UT Cadre), received from the Department of Animal/Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries (Agriculture Production Department) and advertised vide Notification No. 04 of 2021 dated 17.07.2021, is hereby notified as per Annexure-A to this Notification. It is further notified that:

JKSSB Final selection List Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent Posts JKSSB Final selection List Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent Posts JKSSB Final selection List Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent Posts JKSSB Final selection List Inspector Fisheries/Farm Manager/Equivalent Posts

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