Latest Updates from JKBOSE: Notifications, Circulars, and Exam News
The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has released several important notifications and circulars regarding examinations, school affiliations, and result announcements. Here’s a comprehensive update for students, educators, and affiliated institutions.
Latest Notifications from JKBOSE: Exam Reschedules, Scholarships, and More
1. Class 11th Annual Regular 2025: External Practicals Notification
JKBOSE has issued a notification regarding the conduct of external practical examinations for Class 11th (Annual Regular 2025). Students are advised to check with their respective schools for the schedule and necessary preparations.
2. Rescheduled Exams for Hard Zone Areas (2024-25)
Examinations for Classes 10th, 11th, and 12th in Hard Zone areas of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh have been rescheduled. Candidates should stay updated with their respective schools and JKBOSE’s official notifications for the revised dates.
3. Postponement of Examinations in Hard Zone Areas
In a separate notification, JKBOSE has announced the postponement of exams in Hard Zone areas. Affected students are encouraged to stay updated for further rescheduling details.
4. Private School Affiliation Updates (Jammu Division)
Private schools in Jammu District affiliated with JKBOSE must update their particulars and clear any pending GST dues as per a new circular. Schools are advised to comply within the given timeline to avoid any disruptions.
5. Disputed Eligibility Clearance Notifications
Several notifications regarding the clearance of disputed eligibility for Class 12th (HSP-II) have been released. Students with eligibility disputes from Annual (Private) and Bi-Annual 2023 and 2024 should review the latest orders for resolution details.
6. Result Notifications for SSE Annual Private/Bi-Annual 2024
JKBOSE has declared results under Notification Nos. 07 and 08 for SSE (Class 10th) Annual Private/Bi-Annual 2024. Students can check their results on the official website or through their respective schools.
7. Major and Minor Correction Orders
The board has issued Major Correction Order No. 01 of 2025 and Minor Correction Slip No. 321 of 2025 for student record corrections. Candidates who have applied for corrections should verify their updated details.
8. National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS) – Extension for Applications
Students aspiring for the National Means Cum Merit Scholarship (NMMSS) Examination 2024-25 have received an extension for application submission. Eligible candidates should apply before the revised deadline.
9. Re-evaluation Notification for Class 10th (Annual Private/Bi-Annual 2024)
Students who have applied for re-evaluation of their Class 10th Annual Private/Bi-Annual 2024 exam results can check Re-evaluation Notification No. 091 for further details.
10. Availability of Soft Copies of Textbooks, Syllabus, and Sample Papers
JKBOSE has announced the availability of soft copies of textbooks, syllabus, and sample papers for Classes 10th, 11th, and 12th for the 2024-25 session. These resources can be accessed online for better exam preparation.
Stay Updated!
Students, teachers, and school administrators are encouraged to visit the official JKBOSE website for the latest notifications and updates. Keep checking for further announcements regarding exams, results, and academic resources.
For any queries or clarifications, feel free to contact JKBOSE through their official communication channels.