Tuesday, February 25, 2025

PARVAAZ Scheme: Final Selection List for Free NEET and IAS/JKAS Coaching with Coaching Institute Allotments

PARVAAZ Scheme: Final Selection List for Free NEET and IAS/JKAS Coaching with Coaching Institute Allotments

1. Final Selection List of Candidates under PARVAAZ Scheme for free coaching for NEET examination and allotment of coaching institutes thereof

Whereas, the online applications were invited from the eligible and interested candidates for free coaching for NEET/JEE examinations conducted by the National Testing Agency under the PARVAAZ scheme of Mission Youth vide notification no FD/MY/91/2022/632-633 Dated 18-06-2023 with 09-07-2023 as last date of submission of online applications, further the last date for online form submission was extended to 12-07-2023.

Whereas, based on the 10th and 12 class percentages submitted by the candidates in their online applications, the merit score was calculated as per the formula listed in the notification and in this regard the provisional selection list of the candidates was issued on 10-08-2020 under the General, Reserved category (Female), and Waiting list, and the candidates were asked (PARVAAZ Scheme) to attend the physical counselling/document verification at their respective District Employment and Counselling center 09-10-2023 onwards.

Whereas, some candidates were not able to attend their physical counselling/document verifications at the district level due to various reasons and accordingly requested this office to provide them opportunity for physical document verification and accordingly the timeline for physical counselling and document verification was extended from 17-10-2023 to 19-10-2023 and same was conducted at the office of mission youth Srinagar and Jammu respectively

Whereas, the preferences were sought from the candidates from dated 01-11- 2023 to 02-11-2023 for allotment of the coaching institutes on the (PARVAAZ Scheme)merit cum preference basin subject to the availability of the slot at a particular institute.

However, based on the poor response recieved under JEE coaching programme with regard to the physical counselling/Document verification and also with regard to the preferences of the institutions taken online,the slots under JEE coaching programme is hereby diverted to NEET coaching programme and accordingly the final selection list of the NEET coaching programme along with the allotted institute’s on merit cum preference basis and (wherein preferences has not been submitted, the allocation of the institutions has been done on the basis of number of slots available with the institution)annexed as Annexure A to this notification under General selection list, Female Reserved category list 30% including provisionally selected Female waiting category as per merit) is hereby issued for the information of all the candidates.

2.Final Selection List of Candidates under PARVAAZ Scheme for free coaching for IAS/JKAS examination and allotment of coaching institutes thereof

Ref no. FD-MY/34/2021/1253-1270 DT 02-11-2023

Though this medium of notice all the candidates for whom the allocation of the institutes for IAS/JKAS coaching program has been kept pending due to some technical issue are hereby allotted the institution on merit cum preference bases and number of slots available with the institutions annexed as (PARVAAZ Scheme)Annexure A to this notification.

The candidates figuring in this selection list shall note the following important points:

1. All the selected candidates shall report at the allotted institution by or before 16-11-2023.

2. The candidates shall submit their documents at their allotted coaching institute at the time of admission, as per notification number, FD-MY/34/2021/1253-1270 DT 02-11-2023

3. Formal classes shall begin from 17-11-2023.

4. Candidates shall have to ensure the following during the course of the program:

a) Maintain a minimum of 90% attendance during the program.

b) Unauthorized absence by any candidate for more than 15 days without any justified reason shall (PARVAAZ Scheme)lead to removal from the coaching program and recovery of fee along with 10% penal interest from the candidate.

c) Candidate shall not be allowed to leave the coaching program mid-way without any reasonable cause. CEO, Mission Youth shall be the final authority to decide the genuineness of reason.

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