Saturday, March 15, 2025

Powegrid Recruitment 2024-25: Check Vacancy, Eligibility, Last Date

Powegrid Corporation Of India Hiring Company Secretary Professional
A total of 25 posts of the Company Secretary professionals are vacant for opening.
The candidates must have an upper age limit of 29 years to apply for the post.

Powergrid is looking for professionals with experience in Company Secretariat for engagement on fixed term contract basis for its subsidiaries / SPV companies. The engagement will be purely on temporary and contract basis for a period of two years. The contractual period may be further extended for one year each for three years depending on the requirement as well as performance of the individual. A total of 25 posts of the Company Secretary professionals are vacant for opening.

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Essential Qualification required for the post is a degree in Associate Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). Applicants must have at least one year in company secretariat of any unlisted / listed company (internship / training shall not be counted as experience).

Experience in secretarial matters such as drafting of agenda, minutes, official letter etc, Conducting Board / Committees’ meetings, General Body meetings and Compliance with statutory requirements under Companies Act and other statutory compliance thereof will be desirable.

The applicants must have an upper age limit of 29 years to apply for the post. Selected candidates will be entitled for a monthly remuneration in the Pay band of Rs 30,000-3%-1,20,000 with initial basic pay of Rs 30,000 +IDA + HRA + Perks @ 35% of basic pay.

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Selection of candidates will be based only on interview. Candidates qualifying in the screening test will be shortlisted for interview based on their marks in screening test and in the prescribed ratio decided by the management. Shortlisted candidates will have to qualify in the interview to be adjudged suitable for empanelment for engagement.

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