Saturday, March 15, 2025

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir is Hiring a Project Associate

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir is Hiring a Project Associate

The Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir (SKUAST-Kashmir) is hiring a Project Associate-1/Junior Research Fellow to work on a project titled “Population Genetics and Genome Sequencing of Critically Endangered Kashmir Red Deer or Hangul (Cervus hanglu hanglu) for its Conservation and Population Recovery”.

The project is funded by the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MOEFCC), Government of India.


  • Masters (MSc/MVSc) in Wildlife Sciences OR M.Sc. in the Zoology/Forestry/Veterinary Sc./ Biotechnology with experience in the Wildlife field (Essential)
  • B.Sc in Agriculture & allied fields/ Natural Sciences with relevant significant experience of working in Wildlife conservation genetics enabling the candidate to perform the assigned job in the Protected Areas and molecular biology labs (Desirable)

Job Description

  • The Project Associate will be responsible for site visits of PAs for field surveys and collection of samples.
  • They will also be involved in molecular genetics work in SKUAST-Kashmir and WII, Dehradun.
  • The Project Associate will be required to report for preparation of project reports.
  • They must have excellent skills in computers, molecular work, and spatial analysis of data with GIS.

Terms and Conditions

  • The position is temporary and co-terminus with the project.
  • The candidate engaged shall not have any claim for absorption in the SKUAST.
  • The selected candidate shall be on probation for six months and will be reviewed periodically for performance. If found unsatisfactory, the engagement shall be terminated.
  • The selected candidates shall have to remain stationed for sometimes at the respective field stations and work in the out stationed laboratories (WII Dehradun) under the project.

How to Apply

Interested candidates should submit their application, along with a brief bio-data and necessary documents in support of their eligibility, to the office of the Director Research, SKUAST-Kashmir, Shalimar on March 26th, 2024 at 10 AM for a walk-in interview.

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Khursheed Ahmad Principal Investigator Head Division of Wildlife Sciences SKUAST-Kashmir

Cell: 09419543879 Email: [email protected]

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir

The Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir (SKUAST-Kashmir) is a public university located in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India. It is one of the leading universities in India for agricultural education and research. The university was established in 1982 and is named after Kashmiri leader Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, who is popularly known as Sher-e-Kashmir (Lion of Kashmir).

The university offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in agriculture, horticulture, veterinary science, and allied sciences. It also has a strong research program with a focus on temperate and cold arid agriculture.

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir is Hiring a Project Associate

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