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GMC Recruitment 2023 Apply Online, Last date, Eligibility 

GMC Recruitment 2023 Apply Online, Last date, Eligibility

Date of commencement of submission of online application = 20th November, 2023

Last date of submission of online applications = 22nd November, 2023

Online applications are invited from the eligible candidates of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir for engagement against the below mentioned positions on contract basis for a period of one year or till the completion of the project entitled “Assessment of unmet needs and access to assistive technologies among the general population through digital rATA tool- a cross-sectional survey in India” being carried out in Pulwama District approved by ICMR run by the Department of Community Medicine (SPM), Government Medical College, Srinagar.

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GMC Recruitment 2023 Terms & Conditions:

1. These posts will be Purely Contractual for a period of 01 year or till the completion of the project based on requirement from funding agency and the selected candidates shall have no claim for permanent post following the completion of the tenure. The contractual engage shall have to furnish an affidavit duly attested by the 1st Class Judicial Magistrate to the effect that he/she will not claim any regular appointment at any future date on the strength of this contractual engagement.

2. If a contractual engage at any point of time willfully neglects or refuses to perform his/her engagement shall be terminated forthwith without any notice and he/she shall not be entitled to any salary for such period.

3. The selected candidate shall have to execute an agreement that he/she will not leave the Department before the completion of one year’s contract. However, abandoning/termination of the engagement in the Project will require one month prior notice on either side, falling which the remuneration shall not be paid for one month’s to the incumbent which shall always remain in deposit with the department and shall be released on completion of sanctioned term.

4. All the educational qualifications/ certificates of the candidates shall be from the recognized Board/University.

5. All the experience gained shall be preferably from the Govt. Organizations and shall be counted after the date of completion of Minimum Essential Qualification. 6. Experience shall be from the relevant field/area, as required for the study of the Project concerned. 7. The selected candidates have to work as per the job assigned under the above referred project.


a) The candidates must be in possession of all requisite certificates/documents in original and no document/certificate issued beyond the cutoff date shall be accepted/entertained.

b) The candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of marks obtained in the interview.

c) Candidates from district Pulwama will be preferred.

Instructions for applying online:

a) The necessary instructions for filling up of online form shall be available on Government Medical College, Srinagar website (

b) Separate links for filling up online application forms for these posts shall be available on the official website of Government Medical College, Srinagar w.e.f 20th November, 2023 from 10:00 AM onwards to 22nd November, 2023 upto 04:00 PM only.

c) Candidates are required to apply online through the Official Website of Government Medical College, Srinagar only. d) The requisite original documents issued by the competent authority on the format prescribed for the purpose must be produced at the time of document verification or as and when sought by the Selection Committee.

e) The candidates are required to upload the images of their recent photograph and specimen signature in (jpeg) format only.

f) Candidates must take a print out of the application form after successful filling up/submission of application form.

GMC Recruitment 2023 Apply Online, Last date, Eligibility

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