IUST Recruitment 2023 for contractual posts
It is notified for information of all the concerned that preliminary screening report of the Contractual Assistant Professor in Richen Shah Centre for West Himalayan Cultures and Mantaqi Centre for Science and Society Advertised Vide No. IUST/DAA‐Acad/23/929 Dated 18‐05‐2023 and No. IUST/DAA‐Acad/23/1020 Dated 25‐05‐2023 respectively has been uploaded on the university website www.iust.ac.in
Candidates may go through the preliminary screening report and submit deficient document(s), as reflected in their remarks column through email on dean.academics@islamicuniversity.edu.in by or before 06‐08‐2023 (2:00 pm) beyond which no claim whatsoever shall be entertained. The interview schedule shall follow accordingly. Queries/ Objections (if any), in this regard may be addressed to Dean Academic Affairs and sent on dean.academics@islamicuniversity.edu.in