Friday, December 13, 2024

J&K Sports council Recruitment 2023, Apply for coaches/ mentor vacancies

J&K Sports council Recruitment 2023, Apply for coaches/ mentor vacancies



Pursuant to communication No: 01-30001(09)/4/2021-HO-SKIC, dated:
02-05-2023 & 17K/SUKIC-Smal J8K/2020-21, dated: 17-04-2023 from Sports Authority of India, aplications through offline mode on prescribed format are invited from domicile of J&K for engagement of past champion Athletes as coaches/ mentors in the following sports disciplines at the centres approved by SAI under Khelo India District level Centres To strengthen sports ecosystem at the grass root levels & also to have sustained source of income for proponent:

J&K Sports council Recruitment 2023 Notification

Terms and conditions
1) The maximum age on the last date of receipt of application should be 40 years.
However relaation shall be accorded in deserving cases upto 01 year subject to
condition that candidate has represented in recognlzed International Competitions.

2).application foms without requiste documents shall not be entertained

3).The engagement is purely temporary and shall not confer any right for regulartzation

4) The prescrbed elgibility citerla are the inimum and mere possession of the
ume does not enttle appicano g nh any paticlars that are naterlal infomation. They are wamed that they shoud in
no case alter or otherwtse temper wth any entry in a document nor they should
sbmitupload a tempered fabricated document which shall be dealt with in
tens of law. t will be mandatory for each past champlon Athete to register
themselves as a Coach on the National Sports repostory system (NSRS) portal
of SAI Ghttps/ / to become elgible to apply for
) Past champlon Athletes will be elgble for maximum remuneration of Rs. 3.00
lacs per year subject to the condtion that minimum number of trainees should
not be less than 30 reguar trainees in any gven Sports dscipline.
7) Past champion Athlete will be eligible to avall financial assistance for only one
Sports discipline to which that past champlon belongs to. However Coaches with
NS ceriication could atsio be corsdered egoieor egayeet ralnees.
9) ldentlication of talent pool wll be done by respecthve past champion Athlete in
consutation with the Executve Director, SAI of the Reglonal centre/Dlvslonal
Sports Offcer of 38K Sports Counci.
10)The agreerment/MOU will be entered bebveen 38K Sports Councl and the
proponent before start of coaching.
11)The Khelo Inda Certre, Sub Scheme would be run for a perod of 4 years
India Scheme.
12)Minimum academlc qualiflication should not be less than Matric
13)The Coaching Bxperience shall be entertained from Government
Institutions/SALRecognlaed Nattonal Sports Federations/UT Associations on
payrol basis.
1)criterla for selection of candidates for engagement as coach mentor wdl be
cared out on followng basis:

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