Saturday, March 15, 2025

JKBOPEE BSc Nursing Result/ Merit List 2023 download pdf, direct link

JKBOPEE BSc Nursing Result/ Merit List 2023 download pdf

JKBOPEE BSc Nursing Result: Jammu and Kashmir Board of Professional Entrance Examination have successfully conducted the examination for B.Sc Nursing. The entrance examination has been successfully conducted. So, all the students who have appeared for the exam are waiting for the publication of the J&K 2023 Result. The authorities have released merit list/Result. However, candidates can expect the result soon.

Provisional Merit List/Result for admission to B.Sc. Nursing/ B.Sc. Paramedical/ B.Sc. Technology Courses-2023, after conduct of the Common Entrance Test by the J&K BOPEE at Srinagar/Jammu on 11th June, 2023.

Direct link Merit List/ provisional list

Reference: i). Notification No. 023-BOPEE of 2023 dated 18-04-2023.

ii). Notice No.007-BOPEE of 2023 dated 06-05-2023.

iii). Notification No. 031-BOPEE of 2023 dated 30-05-2023.
Notification No: 040-BOPEE of 2023
Dated: 15-07-2023

The Provisional Merit List /Result of all the candidates, who had appeared in the
Common Entrance Test conducted by the J&K BOPEE in pursuance to above referred Notifications / Notices for admission to the B.Sc. Nursing/ B.Sc. Paramedical / B.Sc. Technology Courses-2023 at Government / Private Colleges of UT of J&K is hereby notified as per the Annexure-A to this Notification.

The Board had received certain representations regarding the wrong answers of few questions within the prescribed dates as mentioned in the guidelines referred in Notification No. 031-BOPEE of 2023 dared 30-05-2023. These representations were examined and the answers were got re-examined afresh from the subject experts, and based on the feedback, the revised answer were prepared which are annexed as Annexure-B to this Notification. Therefore, the result of candidates has accordingly been prepared as per the revised Key which is annexed as Annexure-A to this Notification.

In case two or more candidates have obtained the same marks in the Entrance Test, the Inter-se-Merit/ Tie of such candidates have to been resolved as per provision defined at Page No. 35, Point No.13 of e-Information Brochure which is also available on the official website of Board (

As per provisions defined at Point No.03, Page No.11 of e-Information Brochure,
the candidate(s), who have any objection against his/her result, if any, shall have to submit a written representation(s) along with a payment receipt of Rs.1000/- to be paid through POS Machine at the BOPEE Offices Srinagar/Jammu for the purpose of re-totaling of marks.

The representation(s) in this regard shall be received upto three working days of uploading of this Notification on the BOPEE website by the Board after the declaration of result. No representation shall be entertained after the expiry of the prescribed date/time. The counseling schedule for admission to B.Sc. Nursing/ B.Sc. Paramedical/ B.Sc.

JKBOPEE Online Registration of NEET UG–2023, documents required, Apply link

Technology Course shall be notified separately as and when decided by the Board.

The candidates are advised to visit the official website of Board
( for daily updates.

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