Thursday, March 13, 2025

JKBOPEE counselling for admission to NEET MD/MS/PGD Courses in various Government/Private colleges

JKBOPEE counselling for admission to NEET MD/MS/PGD Courses in various Government/Private colleges

Conduct of Mop Up Round (upgradation/ allotment) of (Physical) counselling for admission to NEET MD/MS/PGD Courses in various Government/Private medical/dental colleges/institutions of the UT of J&K including seats under the HMQ and NRI quota in the ASCOMS, 2023.

Reference: i) Notification No. 052-BOPEE of 2023 dated 07.08.2023.
ii) Notification No. 065-BOPEE of 2023 dated 20.08.2023
iii) Interim order dated 25.08.2023 of the Hon’ble High Court of J&K and Ladakh at Srinagar in WP(C) No 2233/2023, CM No 5216 / 2023 titled Nadeem-ur-Rehman & Ors. vs. UT of J&K & Ors.

Notification No. 091-BOPEE of 2023
Dated 11-10- 2023

Whereas, the National Board of Examination (NBE) declared the result of the NEET PG 2023 and thereupon
subsequent Notifications/Notices were issued by the Board with regard to Registration/Verification of documents,
filling up of online preferences and other actions including notifying sports merit of candidates for MD/MS/PG
Diploma and MDS courses– 2023, vide Annexure-A & B of Notification No.052-BOPEE of 2023 dated 07.08.2023; and

2. Whereas, pursuant to the above, the J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examinations vide Notification No.
065-BOPEE of 2023 dated 20.08.2023 issued the Provisional Selection Lists of the candidates for undergoing
MD/MS/PGD Courses- 2023 in various Government/Private medical/dental colleges/institutions of the UT of J&K; and

3. Whereas, after the issuance of the aforesaid Provisional Selection Lists, 12 candidates belonging to the
Reserved Categories of RBA and Sports approached the Hon’ble High Court of J&K and Ladakh at Srinagar by means of
the above referred writ petition, inter-alia, praying for quashment of the Provisional Selection List dated 20.08.2023
and for a direction upon the official respondents to adhere to the mandate of Rule 17 of the J&K Reservation Rules,
2005; and

4. Whereas, the Hon’ble High Court upon consideration of the matter, while issuing notice to the respondents
was pleased to pass an interim order dated 25-08-2023, the operative part of which reads as under:

“5) In the meanwhile, till next date of hearing, it is provided that in case respondents fill up the seats in the aforesaid disciplines in the Colleges impleaded as respondents No. 3 to 6, the same shall be on provisional basis and will be subject to outcome of Writ Petition. It is further made clear that any such selection made by the respondents shall not confer any right upon the selected candidates.”

5. Whereas, while the Board has already filled its objections in the writ petition ibid, in the meanwhile the process relating to Mop Up Round of counselling for filling up the MD/MS/PGD seats is required to be initiated,
keeping in view the time schedule issued by the Medical Counselling Committee, Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Government of India; and

6. Whereas, the Board intends to fill up the MD/MS/PGD seats in the Mop Up Round of Counselling that remained unfilled after the conclusion of the Second Round of Counseling including the seats received as short- fall /resignations from the concerned Colleges / Institutions; and

7. Whereas, during the Mop Up Round of Counselling, the Board also intends to fill up the seats under Hindu Minority Quota (HMQ) and the Non-Resident Indian (NRI) in ASCOMS, Jammu, as stipulated in the Notification No. 065-BOPEE of 2023 Dated 20-08-2023, issued by the Board; and

JKBOPEE counselling for admission to NEET MD/MS/PGD Courses

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