Thursday, March 13, 2025

JKBOSE 8th Result Notification of NMMS Examination 2022-23

JKBOSE Result Notification of NMMS Examination 2022-23 of Class VIII (8th) of U.T of J&K and U.T of Ladakh


It is notified for the information of all the concerned that the result of the
National Means Cum Merit Scholarship (NMMS) Examination 2022-23 of Class VII (8th) students which was held on 14th of December, 2022 across the J8K including U.T of Ladakh has been declared. The list of the selected candidates from U.T of J&K and U.T of Ladakh is available on the JKBOSE official website as Annexure: A to this notification.

It is also to notify that the selected students shall have to apply online on
National Scholarship Portal (NSP) as and when the same is opened for the purpose and in this regard the concerned selected candidates shall have to remain in touch with the official website ( of Ministry of Education (MoE) Government of India on regular basis. They will have to register themselves online within the stipulated time when the portal opens as per the prescribed
guidelines/instructions available on the NSP. Selected students during online
registration shall take utmost care in feeding the accurate information especially regarding category viz pre and post matric since after completion of the registration process students cannot change category. Moreover, al1 Chief Education Officers (DNOS) shall ensure that the selected candidates fullLil the eligibility conditions as per the guidelines of the Scheme.

Further, it is for the information of all the concerned stakeholders that in
case any of the selected candidates is found ineligible for the grant of scholarship under the NMMS scheme during the process of online verification by the concerned Institutions / DNOs, the selection of all such candidates shall be treated as cancelled ab-ini-tio and the shortfall in allotted Quota shall be attributed to the concerned Chief Education Officer (DNO) only.

One application Id and password will be generated after completion of the
online registration process done by the concerned selected candidates on the NSP and thereafter first time login can be done by the candidate for flling online
application for release of scholarship under NMMS scheme after entering OTP (One time Password) send by NSP on the registered mobile number of the concerned candidate.

In case of any query the candidates may consult the Nodal Officers of the scheme
at JKBOSE Office, Rehari colony, Jammu/Bemina, Srinagar. The stakeholders may contact on 0191-29528 17/2955660, 0194-2490354 regarding query related to online registration of students, schools or any issue of handling NSR.

JKBOSE 8th Result Notification of NMMS Examination 2022-23 pdf

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