Thursday, March 13, 2025

JKBOSE Class 11th Notification for Internal/External Practicals Annual Regular 2023

JKBOSE Class 11th important Notification Annual Regular 2023

The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education has released notification regarding Internal/External Practicals of HSP-I (11th Class) Session Annual Regular 2023

CIRCULAR: As has been observed in the recently declared results of SSE (10th Class) and HSP-II (12th Class) Session Annual Regular 2023 of Jammu Province that the concerned Institutions and External Practical Examiners had not complied to and followed the instructions reflected in the notifications already been issued by the JKBOSE vide No: F/PS-JSSNoti./1/11/1)B/JD/23 dated 09-02-2023, and approached this office for entertainment of Internal / External assessment marks after the declaration of results.

JKBOSE 10th 12th Examination forms Annual (Private) Bi-Annual 2023, Apply Now

Since, the Internal and External Practicals of HSP-I (11th Class) Session Annual Regular 2023 had to be held by the concerned Schools itself before the commencement of examination, as per the Notification No. F(Acad-C) Pract/Exam/XI/2023 Dated 20-01-2023 issued by the Director, Academics, JKBOSE, it is hereby re-iterated that all the Heads of the Institutions of Hard / Soft Zone areas of Jammu Province shall thoroughly check the record maintained by them for future reference in their respective institutions/schools and see whether the following instructions are followed with due care and caution before the submission of the Internal/ External practical awards:JKBOSE Class 11th Notification

The external awards have been prepared with complete 9 digit roll no, and submitted in duplicate (two copies) along with the evaluated answer scripts in separate sealed envelopes.

The Roll no of absent candidates is categorically mentioned as “Absent” and No roll number has been left blank or skipped in the award rolls.

The awards submitted are legible and error free; no cutting and overwriting has occurred and no whitener has been used.
All the award rolls along with Answer Sheets, question papers and Attendance sheets in original are submitted at the concerned Divisional/Sub/Branch offices.

The Practical answer sheets are reflecting the test marks and viva marks separately along with total marks.

Please ere a double-check that no such candidate who was present in the Internal/ External assessment tests / exam has been reported absent in the award rolls or his/her Roll No/award is missing from the record submitted to Secrecy-II, JD. In case such errors are located at your end, report to Secrecy Unit-II, JD immediately within two days which may be entertained as per pre-result BOSE norms in vogue for such cases.

In case, any discrepancy is observed after the declaration of result of HSP-I (11th Class), if any school fails to check and report the error in time, the Secrecy Section, BOSE, JD owes no responsibility and the Principal of the concerned school shall be personally responsible for any inconvenience caused to any such innocent candidate in his/her result.

Further, no request shall be entrained without imposing penalty as admissible under BOSE norms.

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