Sunday, February 9, 2025

JKSSB Final Selection List for the posts of Driller, Download pdf

JKSSB Final Selection List for the posts of Driller

Final Selection List for the posts of “Driller” under Item No. 017 (Driller, District Cadre, Kathua) and Item No.018 (Driller, District Cadre, Udhampur), of Jal Shakti Department, Advertisement No.01 of 2021 Dated 03.02.2021.


Whereas, the Department of Jal Shakti, vide Indent No. JSD/NG/41/2020 dated 05.10.2020 & 1SD/NG/41/2020 dated 30.12.2020, among other posts, forwarded the requisition for making direct recruitment for two posts of Driller, as per the following break up:

Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) advertised the aforesaid 02 posts, among other posts, vide Advertisement Notification No.01 of 2021 dated 03.02.2021, under Item Nos. 017 and 018; and

Whereas, the JKSSB conducted Computer Based Test (CBT) for selection of

candidates to the aforementioned posts and based on the performance of the candidates in the aforesaid CBT, the JKSSB, vide Notification No. SSB/COE/CBT/2021// 8929-36 dated 20.12.2021, published the result/score sheet and called the candidates falling under the consideration zone for Document Verification vide Notice No. SSB/Co/CBT/2022/211-18 dated 08.01.2022; and

Whereas, in order to avoid the repetition of candidates in selection list, the Board, after due consideration, decided to seek preferences for different advertised posts from the candidates figuring in the merit vide Notification No. SSB/COE/CBT/2022/980-88 Dated 07.02.2022 from 09 February to 11 February 2022; and

Whereas, after seeking preferences from the candidates, the Selection Committee, constituted Vide Order No. 30 SSB of 2022 dated 28.01.2022, prepared the Provisional Selection List, for the aforementioned posts, which was notified vide Notification No. SSB/Secy/Sel/2022/1635-44 dated 23.02.2022; and

Whereas, it was observed that one candidate namely Mr. Sandeep Kumar, S/o Sita Ram, figuring in the Provisional List at Sr. No.01, under Item No.17 (Driller, District Cadre Kathua) had applied for the post as a person with disability with 6% permanent disability and it was found that the candidate had availed 2 hours 37 minutes and 09 seconds (37 minutes and 09 seconds extra), meaning thereby that he had availed the compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination without qualifying the parameters of Benchmark disability, viz., 40% Permanent Disability; and

Whereas, the Board having regard to the above facts, provided an opportunity of being heard to the said candidate; and Whereas, the candidate submitted his reply on 13.10.2022, that was duly considered and found devoid of merit; and

Whereas, the score of the candidate within the stipulated time of 2 hours, excluding the compensatory time was obtained and it was found that based on the said score, the aforementioned candidate could not make it to the selections, as he could not qualify the cut off for the said posts with the revised percentile in the 2 hours of normal time; and

Whereas, the matter was deliberated by the Board on numerous occasions and finally in its 241st Meeting held on 16.10.2023, after consideration of aforementioned details/facts, the Board approved the Final Selection List for the aforementioned two posts of “Driller” under Item No. 17 (Driller, District Cadre, Kathua) and Item No. 18 (Driller, District Cadre, Udhampur), of Jal Shakti Department, Advertisement No.01 of 2021 Dated 03.02.2021.

Final Selection Driller pdf

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