Thursday, March 13, 2025

JKSSB patwari Final Selection List Download pdf

JKSSB patwari Final Selection List Download pdf

Final Selection List for the post of Patwari/Settlement Patwari (DMRRR), District Cadre Anantnag, advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 05 of 2022 dated. 09.09.2022, under Item No. 197.

Whereas, the Department of Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation & Reconstruction (DMRRR), vide Indent No. DMRRR-MR/86/2021 dated 23.02.2022, forwarded the requisition for making direct recruitment to the 01 post of Patwari / Settlement Patwari, Level – 4 (25500-81100) as per following break up:

The requisite qualification for selection against the post, as per the Indent, is as under:

(i) Graduation with knowledge of Urdu.

Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB), advertised the 01 post as per the category-wise break up given hereinabove, vide Advertisement Notification No. 05 of 2022 dated 09.09.2022 under Item No. 197, for seeking applications from the eligible candidates; and

Whereas, the JKSSB vide Notification No. JKSSB-COEOEXAM/10/2022- 04 (CC-7055504) Dated. 06.01.2023, issued the Advance Notice for Conduct of Written Examinations / Computer Based Test (CBT) for the said post and vide

notice no: JKSSB-COEOEXAM/10/2022-04 (CC-7055504) dated. 12.01.2023, following was notified for the candidates

“that the Urdu portion of the syllabus will be of qualifying nature only. The marks obtained in the Urdu portion will not get added to the Final Merit of candidates for selection”; and

Whereas, the CBT Examination for the post was held on 07.02.2023 and result notification of the candidates who qualified the Urdu qualifying paper for the post of Patwari/Settlement Patwari (DMRRR) District Cadre Anantnag, was notified vide notification No. JKSSB-COEOEXAM(UT)/06/2023-04 (7110979), dated: 26.05.2023. Further, vide Notification No. JKSSB- COEOEXAM/(UT)/06/2023-04 (7110979) dated. 06.07.2023, Result / Merit List of the candidates was notified; and,

Whereas, the schedule of the Documents Verification (DV) of the candidates falling under the consideration zone were notified vide notification No. JKSSB-COE0EXAM(UT)/48/2023-03 (CC-7207093) dated: 31.07.2023 and Supplementary Document Verification (DV) vide No. JKSSB- COEOEXAM(UT)/48/2023-03 (CC-7207093) dated 14.08.2023; and

Whereas, the JKSSB vide Office Order No. 164-SSB of 2023 dated 28.08.2023, constituted a Selection Committee for preparing the Selection List for the said post. The Provisional Selection List for the aforementioned post, prepared as per the merit / eligibility of the candidates and having regard to the extant rules/regulations, was approved by Board in its 236th meeting held on 18.09.2023 and subsequently notified, vide Notification No. JKSSB- SDOSECY(JMU)/2023/897-902 Dated:20.09.2023, wherein candidates were provided opportunity to submit their representations/grievances, if any, in the Board within five days from the date of its Notification, beyond which no representations shall be entertained. No representation/grievance was received against the Provisional Selection list of said post; and

Whereas, the Board in its 241th meeting held on 18.10.2023, approved the Final Selection List for the post of Patwari/Settlement Patwari (DMRRR) District Cadre Anantnag advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 05 of 2022 dated. 09.09.2022, Item No. 197.

JKSSB patwari Final Selection List

JKSSB patwari Final Selection List

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