Kashmir University Deputy Registrar/Deputy Controller Recruitment 2023
It is notified for the information of all the concerned that the date for submission of online application forms for the posts of Deputy Registrar/Deputy Controller of
and Examinations, System Director, South Campus, Convocation complex, DIQA, IOT Zakura Engineer (Software Development) advertised vide dated advertisement notice 10 24-08-2023, 30-08-2023 and 12-09-2023 respectively has been extended for days w.e.f. 06-10-2023 to 15-10-2023.
Further, the hard copies of the said application forms shall be deposited in the Section upto 17-10-2023.
No:F(Advt-NT)Rec/KU/2023 Dated: 06-10-2023
No further extension whatsoever shall be granted.