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JKBOPEE counseling notice for admission to B.Sc Nursing courses 2023

JKBOPEE counseling for admission to B.Sc. Nursing/ B.Sc. Paramedical/B.Sc. Tech Courses-2023

Conduct of Second /Mop Up Round (upgradation/ allotment) of
(Physical) counseling for admission to B.Sc. Nursing/ B.Sc. Paramedical/B.Sc. Tech Courses-2023 in various Government/ Private Colleges of UT of J&K.

Reference: i) Notification No.040-BOPEE of 2023 dated 15.07.2023.
ii) Notification No.063-BOPEE of 2023 dated 20.08.2023.
iii) Notification No.086-BOPEE of 2023 dated 24.09.2023.
iv) Notification No. 101-BOPEE of 2023 dated 25.10.2023.
v) Notification No. 17 of 2023 dated 31.10.2023 issued by INC.

Notification No: 109-BOPEE of 2023
Dated: 02-11- 2023

Vide Notification No.17 of 2023 dated 31st October 2023 of Indian
Nursing Council (INC) the last date of admission for all Nursing Programs for Academic Year 2023-24 has been extended up to 30.11.2023. Now in
pursuance of Notification No. 086-BOPEE of 2023 dated 24.09.2023 read with Notification No. 101-BOPEE of 2023 dated 25.10.2023 & due to paucity of time, it is hereby notified that the Board shall conduct Second /Mop Up Round of counseling for admission to B.Sc. Nursing/B.Sc. Paramedical/B.Sc.
Technology Courses- 2023 in various Government/Private Colleges of UT of J&K.

It is further notified that in order to fill maximum number of seats & to accommodate more candidates, the Board has decided to reduce the bench marks from 30 to 20 marks for this round of counseling and therefore those candidates who have secured up to 20 marks in the Common Entrance Test
conducted by the Board for said courses shall be eligible to attend counseling as per the following schedule:

It is further notified for information of all the concerned candidates that
the upgradation/allotment of seats during the Second /Mop Up Round of Counseling shall be purely on provisional basis and shall not confer any preferential right upon the provisionally selected candidates and shall be subject to the outcome of writ petition, if any, sub-judice in any competent court of law on the subject.
All the candidates who are participating in the counseling shall bring along the following documents in original on the day of their counseling failing which
they shall not be allowed to attend the counseling:
i) Domicile certificate,
ii) Marks card of 12th class examination,
iii) D.O.B as per matriculation certificate,
iv) Category certificate, wherever applicable,
v) Diploma for Lateral Entry Candidates only.

The Board shall first call all the category candidates during Second /Mop Up Round of Counseling Process as per the above schedule and if any category candidate(s) is not available, then the same category seat(s) shall be converted into OM as provided under Section 09 (2) of J&K Reservation Act, 2004 and shall be allotted on the basis of merit cum preferences.

JKBOPEE counseling notice PDF

Bandipora-Gurez road closed after snowfall at Razdan Top


Bandipora-Gurez road closed after snowfall at Razdan Top

Bandipora, Nov 02 (KNO): The administration on Thursday closed the Bandipora-Gurez road for traffic after fresh snowfall at Razdan top in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district.

Officials told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that the snow accumulation at the Razdan top, the only road link between the Gurez and the Kashmir Valley, prompted the closure due to slippery conditions.

The officials also said that certain areas in the plains of Gurez valley experienced rainfall.

According to officials, traffic restrictions will persist until there is an improvement in weather conditions—(KNO)

UPSC Civil Services Main Result 2022 Reserve List Announced, Download Pdf


UPSC Civil Services Main Result 2022 Reserve List Announced, Download Pdf

The result of the UPSC Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2022 was declared vide Press Note dated 23.05.2023 recommending 933 candidates in order of merit for appointment to IAS, IFS, IPS and certain other Central Services, Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ against 1022 vacancies.

2. The Commission, in accordance with the Rule 20 (4) & 20 (5) of the Civil Services Examination Rules, 2022 has also maintained a Consolidated Reserve List in order of merit below the last recommended candidate under the respective categories.

3. As sought by the Department of Personnel & Training, the Commission has now recommended 89 candidates which include 65 General, 7 EWS, 15 OBC,
1 SC and 1 ST, to fill up the remaining posts based on the Civil Services Examination, 2022. Particulars of these candidates are included herewith. The candidates, so recommended, will be intimated directly by the DOP&T.

4. The candidature of following 2(two) candidates bearing Roll No. 3534972 and 0828156 are provisional.

5. The list of these 89 candidates is also available on the UPSC website
i.e. http//

Union Public Service Commission has released UPSC Civil Services Main result 2022 reserve list. Candidates who have appeared for Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2022 can check the reserve list through the official website of UPSC at

result of the Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2022 was declared on May 23, 2023 recommending 933 candidates in order of merit for appointment to IAS, IFS, IPS and certain other Central Services, Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ against 1022 vacancies.

As per the official notice, , the Commission has now recommended 89 candidates which include 65 General, 7 EWS, 15 OBC, 1 SC and 1 ST, to fill up the remaining posts based on the Civil Services Examination, 2022. To check the reserve list, candidates can follow the steps given below.

Direct link to check UPSC Civil Services Main result 2022 reserve list

UPSC Civil Services Main result 2022 reserve list: How to check

  • Visit the official website of UPSC at
  • Click on UPSC Civil Services Main result 2022 reserve list link available on the home page.
  • A new PDF file will open where candidates can check the list.
  • Download the page and keep a hard copy of the same for further need.

The candidature of following 2(two) candidates bearing Roll No. 3534972 and 0828156 are provisional. For more related details candidates can check the official website of UPSC

IUST JRF Posts Recruitment 2023, Check Qualification, Last date, Apply online


IUST JRF Posts Recruitment 2023, Check Qualification, Last date, Apply online

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora


IUST JRF Posts Recruitment 2023: Applications on prescribed format are invited from the eligible and interested candidates for the below
mentioned position available in the research project entitled “Effective application of artificial intelligence in design of climate resistant and occupancy based structures”. The project is funded by SERB SURE, Government of India.

IUST JRF Posts Recruitment 2023 Important Note:

The candidate selected for the position of JRF shall be eligible for award of PhD degree subject to fulfillment of requirements for the degree as per UGC guidelines.

Interested candidates may send their duly filled application form (as per enclosed format) along-with their detailed CV and relevant certificates (as a single PDF form) through email to
[email protected] and copied to [email protected] by or before 10-11-2023. List of eligible candidates for the interview shall be uploaded on university website Date of interview will be communicated through email / IUST website.



1. The above post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project and the candidates shall not
claim for regular appointments in the university.

2. Selection will be exclusively on basis of interview.

3. The continuation is subject to satisfactory performance in 06 monthly progress evaluation / review.

4. The University reserves the right to terminate the contract of non-performing candidates at any time
without prior notice.

5. The salary component is subject to the release of funds by the funding agency.

6. Eligible candidates must bring all the testimonials/certificates (in original and one attested copy) at
the time of interview.

7. No TA/DA will be provided to the candidates appearing for the interview.

8. Candidates will have to produce original documents relating to their qualification, experience etc.
at the time of appearing in the interview.

9. The University reserves the right to defer or not fill the post advertised here-in above, without
assigning any reason thereof.

10. In case candidate wants to withdraw, he/she must serve one-month notice period (or one-month

11. The terms and conditions governing the service shall be as per the rules & regulations of funding
agency and/or university with amendments from time to time.

Official NotificationClick here

JKBOSE Instructions For Online Submission of renewal registration for classes 11th & 12th

JKBOSE Instructions For Online Submission of renewal registration for classes 11th & 12th


Online Renewal Registration in respect of students of Classes 11th & 12th for the Academic Session 2023-24 simplified into easy-to-follow

1. The concerned schools are required to visit the official Website of JKBOSE i.e; and click the link: RR Renewal
for Class 11th/12th, available in the Online Services Section on the
home page of the website of JKBOSE.

2. Next, login into the Clerk Account through the “Official Login”

3. After Signing into the dashboard of the Clerk Account, choose
the option, “Renewal Registration for Class 11th/12th option.

4. Enter the Registration Number, in the relevant field, once the
registration number is entered, the candidates registered data will
automatically be fetched.

5. Upload the candidate’s latest Photograph and Signature (between
10 KB to 50 KB), if required and complete the rest of details.
Verify all entries, especially the photograph, subjects, and
signatures before final submission for Renewal Registration form.
Note: Subject selection will be required for class 11th only whereas
for Class 12th, subjects will be auto fetched based on the, subjects opted in class 11th

6. Submission and Approval: After submitting the Renewal Registration form, it will automatically be sent for approval to the “Principal Account” of respective school.

7. Fee Payment: The prescribed fee (Renewal Registration fee) must
be paid collectively through the “School (Clerk) Account” of the
institution only after the Principal approves the Renewal Registration form. Students are not allowed to pay the fee directly.

8. Eligibility cases: All the eligibility cases are exempted to fill the
RR Renewal form; their entries shall automatically be reflected in
the respective portal.

No Corrections after Fee Payment: once the fee has been paid, any
corrections will not be allowed. It’s the responsibility of the
institution to carefully fill the form and ensure all the particulars
are accurate before making the payment.

JKBOSE Instructions For Online Submission of renewal registration for classes 11th & 12th JKBOSE Instructions For Online Submission of renewal registration for classes 11th & 12th

JEE Main 2024 Registration, Exam Dates, Application process


JEE Main 2024 Registration, Exam Dates, Application process

National Testing Agency, NTA will begin JEE Main 2024 registration in due course of time. The registration dates have not been shared by the Agency yet. The registration for Joint Entrance Examination for session 1 will commence on the official website of JEE Main at

The agency has already released the exam dates for JEE Main 2024 session 1. Joint Entrance Examination [JEE (Main)] – 2024 Session 1 will be conducted between January 24 to February 1, 2024.

All those candidates who want to apply for the examination can do it through these simple steps given below.

JEE Main 2024 Registration: How to apply

  • Visit the official website of JEE main at
  • Click on JEE Main 2024 session 1 registration link available on the home page.
  • Enter the registration details and click on submit.
  • Once done, login to the account and fill the application form.
  • Make the payment of application fees and click on submit.
  • Download the page and keep a hard copy of the same for further need.

Those who wish to appear for both sessions do not have to apply separately. Such candidates can use the credentials of session 1 to login and make payment of the examination fee during the session 2 application window. For more related details candidates can check the official website of JEE Main

Vishwa Bharati Women’s College Rainawari Srinagar Jobs Recruitment 2023, details here


Vishwa Bharati Women’s College Rainawari Srinagar (Camp Office Jammu)


For Vishwa Bharati Degree College Rainawari, Srinagar, UT of J&K In supersession of previous advertisement published in daily excelsior dated 24-01-2023 and 06-04-2023 for the post of Principal. Applications are invited for the post of Principal on contractual basis..

Applicants may visit the official website of the institution. ( to download the application form which will be available from 3rd November to 22nd November 2023.

1. Essential Qualification for the Post of Principal.

2. The applicant should have adequate educational qualification and experience as per UGC, department of Higher Education and Vishwa Bharti Institutional rules. The maximum age limit is 62 years as on 22nd November 2023.

3. Application Fee: Rs.500/-

a) The applicants are also advised to attach the fee receipt after depositing fee in any J&K Bank Branch. Fee can be paid in account number: 0685040100001638″ Secretary V.B. College of Education”

and the application fee shall not be entertained by any other mode. B) Application should reach the office of the secretary, Vishwa Bharati Women’s College Srinagar camp office Jammu, Akalpur Morh, Udheywalla, Jammu 180018 latest by 22nd November 2023.

12th Pass Jobs in Srinagar smart City

C) Applications received without the prescribed fee shall be rejected out rightly. No representation against such rejection will be entertained. Fee once paid shall not be refunded.Vishwa Bharati Women's College Rainawari Srinagar

D) Application form incomplete in any manner during the scrutiny of applications shall be rejected without assigning any reasons thereof to the applicant.

LG flags off 75 e-buses launched under Smart City project, Says more 25 buses to ply on roads in next few days


LG flags off 75 e-buses launched under SSCL, says India takes a lead to reduce carbon emission

Says more 25 buses to ply on roads in next few days

Raja Syed Rather

Srinagar, Nov 01 (KNO): The Srinagar Smart City Limited (SSCL) on Wednesday launched 75 e-buses in Srinagar, saying that more 25 electric buses will be plying on the roads in next few days.

The e-buses were inaugurated by Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha today.

Pertinently, Jammu and Kashmir administration has procured 200 e-buses, 100 each for Jammu and Srinagar cities. These air conditioned buses with CCTVs installed inside have been procured under the Smart City project.

The e-buses will also have digital on-boarding facility, live tracking so that people can be aware about arrival timing of the buses.

While speaking on the occasion, the LG as per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said that it is a happy moment for Srinagar as 75 e-buses have been launched, which will ensure zero emission on the ground.

He added that more 25 such buses will be plying on the roads in the next few days, adding that Srinagar Smart City has taken an appreciable step by launching such buses here while the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has played a key role in making such a step successful.

The Lt Governor further added that India under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken a lead to reduce the carbon footprint as the existing vehicles have badly impacted the ecology and increased the pollution as well.

In this regard, a bold decision to come up with e-buses was taken by PM Modi and thus Rs 100 crore capex has been spent on such buses while 66 crore out of it is being given by the Government of India.

Also, in 12 years, Rs 900-Rs950 crore is being spent on the maintenance and other things and 50 percent out of it is being supported by GoI, he said.

E-buses will be plying on 15 intra-city routes and 2 inter-city routes and will be running a minimum of 200 KM per day from 8 AM to 8 PM.

There are two types of electric buses which include 75 nine meter buses and 25 are 12 meter buses. These electric buses will ensure zero emission and the driver will have all the control on the vehicles like doors and other things.

The officials had earlier stated that these buses are more similar to those in London buses and the idea is that the buses will run for next 12 years. The contract for the first 12 years has been given to Tata Company and a proper route planning has been done in this regard.

Notably, the trial run of six such buses was done in August this year—(KNO)

Weather Update light rain/snow showers over some higher reaches of Jammu and Kashmir


Weather Update light rain/snow showers over some higher reaches of Jammu and Kashmir

Mostly cloudy weather are forecasted today with chances of light rain/ snow showers over some higher reaches of Jammu and Kashmir.

Due to fresh feeble Western disturbance some parts of Kashmir particularly north kashmir there is a chances of light rain showers for today.

There is no major weather activity are expected during next 7-8 days across the Jammu and Kashmir, mostly dry weather are predicted in coming days.

Regards: Kashmir Weather Forecast

Dip in student admissions at KU triggers alarm, academicians urge LG to intervene

Dip in student admissions at KU triggers alarm, academicians urge LG to intervene

Srinagar, Nov 01 (KNO): With PG admissions at the Kashmir University witnessing a sharp decline for the first time in its history, academicians have voiced concern over failure of the Varsity authorities to address the burgeoning issue.

The Varsity authorities are themselves struggling to find ways and means to fill up the vacant seats in various PG courses at the main and satellite campuses.

Sources told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that almost all seats in self-finance category at the main campus are vacant, while scores of seats in General (Open) category are also vacant in the Main Campus at Hazratbal, as also at the satellite campuses in Baramulla, Anantnag and Kupwara.

“Nearly 100 seats in main campus are vacant in various PG courses in General category, while over 200 seats are vacant in self-finance category,” the sources added.

The situation with Institute of Technology, Zakura Campus, is worst with 80 to 90 percent seats in its various branches vacant. Some seats are vacant in computer engineering course at North Campus as well. Even newly introduced courses at North Campus and Kupwara Campus have found very little takers, reflecting the University’s failure to do proper homework before launching these courses.

Academicians have voiced concern and requested LG Manoj Sinha, who is the KU’s Chancellor, to discuss the matter in the J&K Higher Education Council (JKHEC) headed by him.

“This situation is unprecedented. VC KU should have apprised the Chancellor about the declining admissions so that JKHEC could discuss ways and means to address this critical issue,” said a KU teacher, wishing not to be named.

He said the University authorities seem to be unmoved by the declining admissions which is tarnishing the perception and reputation of the institution in the eyes of the public.

“If admissions have dipped so much this year, there are fears that the situation could be worse next year. It is high time for the University to stop granting extension after extension for admissions and seriously find out reasons for steep dip in admissions,” said a teacher at South Campus.

He said the University’s decision to call for ‘open and spot admissions’ in bid to fill vacant seats is fraught with potential consequences. “Giving open admissions means compromising with merit and quality of candidates,” the teacher said.

“Five months have passed since the entrance test was held, but admissions are still open. How long will this work?” Another academician suggested that JKHEC should order an academic audit of various courses being offered by the University to assess their viability and future prospects.

“If some courses need to be closed, it must be done. But new courses should be introduced strictly after assessing their viability,” he said.

A KU official said recently the Vice Chancellor chaired a meeting of officials to discuss the issue of declining admissions, but couldn’t reach a consensus on the way forward.

“Once upon a time KU was the most sought-after institution where students would be more than willing to pay for payment seats. There was no question of any vacant seat in any department,” said a former KU Dean.

“Today, there is a huge question mark on the academic and research activities of the University despite its claims of NIRF and NAAC rankings”—(KNO)