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1. From 17-10-2023, 1700 hrs. to 18-10-2023, 1700 hrs., Jammu-Srinagar NHW remained blocked for 14 hours 35 mins. due to landslide/mudslide at Dalwas and Cafeteria-Mehad, Ramban. Slow movement was observed on NH-44 due to breakdown of 04 HMVs, 03 nomadic herds and single lane traffic at Dalwas and Cafeteria-Mehad between Nashri and NAVYUG Tunnel.

2. Passengers/LMVs operators are advised to prefer journey on Jammu-Srinagar NHW during day time. Please avoid journey during night hours as movement of nomads from Kashmir valley towards Jammu may cause inconvenience to the commuters* .

3. HMVs Operators/Owners are requested to desist from overloading. It is further requested that vehicle owners must double check the fitness of their vehicles before undertaking journey on Jammu-Srinagar NHW.
4. HMVs with only 06 and 10 tyres shall be allowed to ply through Dhar road.

Subject to fair weather and better road conditions LMVs Passenger/Private Cars/HMVs/Load Carriers shall be allowed from both sides on Jammu-Srinagar National Highway (NH-44) viz Jammu towards Srinagar and vice-versa. Commuters are advised to follow lane discipline.

*SFs Convoy Movement:-*
Subject to fair weather and good road conditions Security Forces vehicles shall be allowed from both sides on Jammu-Srinagar NHW (NH-44) viz Jammu towards Srinagar and vice-versa.

Subject to fair weather and good road condition, vehicular movement on Srinagar-Sonamarg-Gumari road shall be allowed from both sides viz Srinagar towards Kargil and vice-versa. LMVs followed by HMVs shall be allowed from Minamarg towards Srinagar between 0730 hrs. to 1100 hrs. Similarly, LMVs followed by HMVs shall be allowed from Sonamarg towards Kargil between 1300 hrs to 1700 hrs. No vehicle shall be allowed after cut off timings.
*SFs Convoy, plying from Srinagar to Kargil, shall leave Srinagar at 0800 hrs. SFs Convoy plying from Drass to Srinagar shall plan their movement in such a manner so that Civil Traffic doesn’t get disturbed.*

*Mughal Road:-*
Subject to fair weather and good road condition, vehicular movement on Mughal road shall be allowed from both sides viz. Poonch towards Shopian and vice versa. These vehicles shall be allowed from Behramgalla (Buffliaz) and Herpora (Shopian) between 0600 hrs. to 1800 hrs. No vehicle shall be allowed after cut of timings

People are advised to undertake journey on NH-44 only after confirming status of the road from Traffic control units as under:-
• Jammu (0191-2459048, 0191- 2740550, 9419147732, 103)
• Srinagar (0194-2450022, 2485396, 18001807091, 103)
• Ramban (9419993745)
• Udhampur (8491928625)
• PCR Kishtwar (9906154100) for status of Sinthan Road.

For affected students of class 10, 12, JKBOSE decides to mention ‘previous academic year’ on marks sheets


For affected students of class 10, 12, JKBOSE decides to mention ‘previous academic year’ on marks sheets

Riyaz Bhat

Srinagar, Oct 18 (KNO): The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has decided to mention ‘previous’ academic year on marks sheets of those formerly 10th and 12th standard students who were affected by adoption of Uniform Academic Calendar (UAC).

According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Director Academics of the board has said that it has issued a clarification regarding session gap of academic year 2022 in case of students of Kashmir division, winter zone areas of Jammu division of UT of J&K and UT of Ladakh.

JKBOSE in a communique has said, “In year 2022, administration adopted a Uniform Academic Calendar across UTs of J&K and Ladakh which was implemented by the JKBOSE due to which the practice of conducting separate examinations for different divisions of erstwhile state of J&K was abandoned and all the examinations were conducted uniformly by JKBOSE from Academic Session 2023.”

The official said that owing to this fact that no annual regular examination of classes 10th, 11th and 12th were conducted for the Session 2022 which were otherwise to be held in months of October-November 2022, in Kashmir Division, Winter Zone Areas of Jammu Division and UT of Ladakh Division.

“The examinations were uniformly conducted across the UTs of J&K and Ladakh in the month of March-April 2023,” it reads.

JKBOSE accordingly informed all the concerned that in order to address the issue, the clarification shall be printed on the diplomas of such students of classes 10th & 12th of annual regular, Session 2022-23, who have been affected by adoption of Uniform Academic Calendar in case of Kashmir Division, Winter Zone Areas of Jammu Division, and UT of Ladakh only.

“Session shall be shown as Annual Regular 2021-22/23 and a sentence ‘Academic Session Annual Regular 2021-22 shifted to Academic Session 2022-23 due to adoption of Uniform Academic Calendar’ shall be mentioned at the bottom part of the diplomas qualification certificates,” it reads—(KNO)

JKSSB Submission of Documents for the post of Election Assistant

JKSSB Submission of Documents for the post of Election Assistant

Submission of Documents for the post of Election Assistant (Junior Scale), Election Department, advertised vide
Advertisement Notification No. 04 of 2020 Dated.16.12.2020 under Item No. 099.

Whereas, the Election Indent No.
4568/CEO/Estt/SSB/2nd/2775 dated: 28.09.2020, forwarded the requisition for
making direct recruitment to the 110 posts of Election Assistant (Junior Scale) Level 4-(25500-81100) that was advertised vide advertisement No. 04 of 2020

Whereas, after holding the examination and Document Verification, the
Provisional Selection List for these posts was notified vide Notification No.
JKSSB-SDOSECY(JMU)/2023/890-96 dated:20.09.2023, wherein candidates
were provided opportunity to submit their representations/grievances, if any,
through e-Mail;

Whereas, the following candidates have failed to submit the requisite documents and, accordingly, their cases still remain incomplete/inconclusive.

The matter was deliberated further and it has been decided to give a Final Opportunity to these candidates to submit the deficient documents:

JKSSB Submission of Documents for the post of Election Assistant JKSSB Submission of Documents for the post of Election Assistant

JKPSC Gazetted/Faculty posts Recruitment notification 2023


JKPSC Gazetted/Faculty posts Recruitment notification 2023

Filling up of Gazetted/Faculty posts in Government Unani Medical College Cum Hospital, Ganderbal, Kashmir Medical Officer (Allopathic) & Medical Officer (backlog) in the Health and Medical Education Department.

Notice Dated: 18-10-2023

In partial modification to the Notice dated 06-10-2023 on the subject, it is for information of all the concerned, that the written examination for filling up of Gazetted/Faculty posts in Government Unani Medical College Cum Hospital, Ganderbal, Kashmir notified vide notification no. 23-PSC of (DR-P) of 2023 dated 28- 05-2023 is hereby deferred till further notice. The tentative date of said examination shall be notified separately.

JKPSC Gazetted/Faculty posts Recruitment notification 2023

JKSSB Junior Engineer (JE) Exams on 19, download syllabus, admit card


JKSSB Junior Engineer (JE) Exams on 19, download syllabus

Advance Notice for conduct of Written Examination for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil).

It is hereby notified for the information of candidates that J&K Services Selection Board (JKSSB) is going to conduct the written test for the Cadre, post of Junior Engineer (Civil), Public Works (R&B) Department, UT advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 06 of 2022, under Item No. 201, with tentatively scheduled on 19.11.2023. The exact dates along the schedule for downloading of admit cards shall be notified separately in due course of time. This is an advance notice for the information of concerned candidates.
The syllabus for the examination of above-mentioned post is annexed herewith as Annexure “A”.

1. Surveying: 1 O Marks
Importance of surveying, principles and classifications, measurements of distance and directions, chain surveying, compass surveying, leveling, tachometry, theodolite, traversing, contouring, plane table surveying, curves.

2. Mechanics and Structural analysis: 15 Marks
Introduction, Concept of rigid body scalar and vector quantities, Laws of force,
moment, friction, Centre of gravity, simple machines, torsion, Properties of material, Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams. Simple stress and strain relationship. Stress and strain in two dimensions, principal stresses, stress
transformation. Simple bending theory, flexural and shear stresses, unsymmetrical
bending, shear Centre. Thin-walled pressure vessels, uniform torsion, buckling of column, combined and direct bending stresses. slope and deflection, Analysis of trusses

3. RCC Structures: 15 Marks
Concrete technology, Ingredients of concrete, water cement ratio, workability
properties of concrete, admixtures, special concretes, Nondestructive tests, basics of mix design. Concrete design-basic working stress and limit state design concepts, analysis of ultimate load capacity and design of members subjected to flexure, shear, compression and torsion by limit state methods. Basic elements of pre-stressed
concrete, analysis of beam sections at transfer and service loads, one-way slab, two-way slab.

4. Soil Mechanics: 1 O Marks
Origin of soils, properties, soil classification, three phase system, fundamental definitions, relationship and interrelationship, flow of water through soils, permeability & seepage, effective stress principle, deformation of soils, consolidation, compaction, shear strength characteristics, plate load test, SPT, Density control, Measurement of field density by core cutter and sand replacement method, soil exploration, bearing capacity and its methods

5. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics: 1 5 Marks

Properties of fluids, hydrostatic pressure, measurement of pressure, flow
measurements, flow through pipes, flow through open channels, hydraulic pumps,
principle of conservation of mass, momentum, energy and corresponding equations, potential flow, applications of momentum and Bernoulli’s equation, laminar and turbulent flow, flow in pipes, pipe networks. Concept of boundary layer and its growth. Uniform flow, critical flow and gradually varied flow in channels, specific energy concept, hydraulic jump Forces on immersed bodies, flaw measurements in channels, tanks and pipes. Dimensional analysis and hydraulic modeling Kinematics of flow.

JKSSB Junior Engineer (JE) Exams on 19, download syllabus  JKSSB Junior Engineer (JE) Exams on 19, download syllabus, admit card JKSSB Junior Engineer (JE) Exams on 19, download syllabus, admit card

496 posts, AAI Recruitment 2023: Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit, Application Fees


496 posts, AAI Recruitment 2023: Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit, Application Fees

Airports Authority of India (AAI) has invited applications from eligible and interested job aspirants for 496 Junior Executive posts. The online application process will commence on November 1, 2023. The deadline for the application submission is November 30, 2023.

Read more details about vacancy, eligibility, selection process and other details below:

Vacancy Details

This recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up a total of 496 Junior Executive posts in the organization.

AAI Recruitment 2023: Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification

Candidates applying must have a Bachelor’s Degree of three years in Science (B.Sc) with Physics and Mathematics or Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in any discipline. (Physics & Mathematics should be subjects in any one of the semesters curriculum).

Age Limit

The applicant should not be aged below 27 years. You can check more details about Educational Qualification, and age limit in the official notification

AAI Recruitment 2023: Selection Process

The selection process will be based on online examination/Application Verification/ Voice Test/ Psychoactive Substances Test/ Psychological Assessment Test/ Medical Test/ Background Verification as applicable for the post or any other test. The online examination will be objective type.

The process will be decided by competent authority at any stage during the recruitment process.

AAI Recruitment 2023: Application Fees

The candidates will need to pay an application fee of Rs 1000. However, the SC/ST/PWD candidates/ Apprentices who have successfully completed one year of Apprenticeship Training in AAI/ Female candidates will not need to pay any application fee.

How to apply for AAI Recruitment 2023

Interested candidates who posses the required educational qualification and fulfil the other eligibility criteria can apply for the posts online through the official website of AAI at from November 1, 2023 till November 30, 2023.

For more details about the recruitment drive, candidates are advised to visit the official website of AAI.

Transfers/Postings/Adjustment of Block Development Officers (BDOs)

JKBOSE Important notifications for class 10th & 12th, check here

JKBOSE Important notifications for class 10th & 12th, check here

Extension Notification for Admission in Classes 10th/12th through JKSOS session 2023-24


In continuation to the notification No F (Acad-C) SOS-Adm/ 10th & 12th /B/23 Dated: 07-07-2023 and 1 Acad-C) SOS-Adm/ 10″&12/B/23 1005 Dated: 21-08-2023, the last date for submission of Admission-cum-examination forms through Open Schooling has been extended upto 13 November, 2023. The admission for class 10″ and 12″ is open to all especially for those who have missed formal education and failures from the formal schooling system, school dropouts, unemployed youth, children with special needs, persons in employment to enhance their chances of promotion through 38 (Thirty Eight) accredited study centres established in cach district of UIs of J&K and Ladakh.

Eligibility for the 10th class admission is: Students should have passed class 8th Examination with a gap of minimum 2 years at the time of admission to class 10th Age 14 years and above as on 01.05.2023. Eligibility for the 12th class admission is: However there will be no upper age limit.

Students should have passed class 10″ Examination from any recognized Board with a gap of minimum 2 years at the time of admission to class 12″.

2. Age 10 years and above as on 01.05.2023. However there will be no upper age limit. The medium of instruction will be English The study material shall be made available through respective study centres to the students after receiving the admission-cum-examination forms 30 day contact classes shall be held at their respective Accredited Study Centres.

JKBOSE Important notifications for class 10th & 12th, check here

The candidates desirous of applying for their Secondary School Examination (Class 10) and HSP-II (Class 12″) through JKSOS can submit Admission-cum-Examination Forms at the Accredited Study Centres along with payment of Rs. 3500/- for Class 10th and Rs. 4000/- for Class 12″. The candidates must deposit the prescribed application fee in form of Pay-in-Slips in JK Bank Account No 1242040500000003. Branch JKBOSE. Rehari Colony. Jammu, IFSC Code: JAKA0ELUNUR (for Jammu Division & Leh District) and Account No. 0365040500000069. Branch: JKBOSE. Bemina. Srinagar, IFSC Code: JAKAOEXAMBR (for Kashmir Division & Kargil District) in favour of Chairman JKSOS. The said fee includes Admission Fee. Registration Fee. Examination Fee. Study Material Cost and Conduct of Contact Classes at the Study Centre). For any information visit website:

10th 12th Extension Notification PDF

Transfers/Postings/Adjustment of Block Development Officers (BDOs)


Transfers/Postings/Adjustment of Block Development Officers (BDOs)

Government of Jammu & Kashmir Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Civil Secretariat Email ID: [email protected]

website: Tel. No. 0191-2564763 (3), 0194-2506269 (S)

Subject:Transfers/Postings/Adjustment of Block Development Officers/ I/c Block Development Officer/ Look-after Block Development Officers.

Government Order No.572-JK(RD&PR) of 2023 Dated: 18.10.2023

Consequent upon the placement of the services of Junior Scale JKAS Officers of Batch 2023 (Probationers) at the disposal of this Department vide Government Order No. 670-JK(GAD) of 2023 dated: 11.06.2023 and Government Order No. 814-JK(GAD) of 2023 dated: 04.07.2023 by General Administration Department, the following transfers/postings/ adjustment is hereby ordered with immediate effect:-

Transfers/Postings/Adjustment of Block Development Officers (BDOs) Transfers/Postings/Adjustment of Block Development Officers (BDOs) Transfers/Postings/Adjustment of Block Development Officers (BDOs) Transfers/Postings/Adjustment of Block Development Officers (BDOs) Transfers/Postings/Adjustment of Block Development Officers (BDOs) Transfers/Postings/Adjustment of Block Development Officers (BDOs)

CISF Admit Card 2023: Download CISF ASI, Constable admit card 2023, Direct link here


CISF Admit Card 2023: Download CISF ASI, Constable admit card 2023, Direct link here

CISF Admit Card 2023: Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has released admit cards for the recruitment examination of ASI Steno and HC Min, Constable/Tradesmen, Constable (Driver and DCPO). Candidates can download admit cards for the computer based examination from the website

The examination for ASI Steno and HC Min will take place on October 30 and 31 while for Constable Tradesmen and Constable (Driver and DCPO) posts, the test is scheduled for October 31.

To download admit cards, candidates have to use their roll number and date of birth. Here is the direct link and steps to follow:

CISF admit card 2023 direct link

Steps to download CISF ASI, Constable admit card 2023

  1. Go to the recruitment portal of CISF:
  2. Download and check the notice. After that, click on the login button given on the home page of the website.
  3. Under the current openings section, links to download post-wise admit cards are marked in red, green and blue colours. Open the link for the post you have applied for.
  4. Enter your roll number, date of birth and the security pin displayed.
  5. Login and download your admit card.
  6. Take a printout for the exam day.

CISF said that copies of admit cards will not be sent by post. Candidates have been asked to carefully read the instructions given on admit cards and abide by the same

Govt Degree College Recruitment 2023 for Research Assistant and Field Investigator posts


Govt Degree College Recruitment 2023 for Research Assistant and Field Investigator posts

GOVT DEGREE COLLEGE BARAMULLA (NAAC Re-Accredited Grade ‘A’) College with Potential for Excellence) Telefax: 01952-234214 website:

No: GCB/Project ICSSR/4910 Dated: 16/10/2023

For the position of Research Assistant and Filed Investigator Applications through email are invited for the positions of Research Assistant and Field Investigator for the research project “Leveraging on Special Industry Initiative (UDAAN) scheme for J&K in Envisioning Socio-economic Transitions in Youth of Jammu and Kashmir” funded by ICSSR under short term Empirical Research Projects, 2023. The positions advertised are purely temporary and details are as: (a) One position of Research Assistant for the maximum of 03

months @ 32000 p.m (Qualification- Ph.D./ M.Phil./ Post

Graduate in social science discipline with minimum of 55%

marks) (b) One position of Field Investigator for the maximum of 03 months @30,000 p.m (Qualification- Post Graduate in Social science discipline with minimum 55% marks)

The applications along with detailed CV and photocopies of all relevant documents (Ph D/M. Phil./ PG marks sheet) may be mailed to [email protected] by or before 20th of October, 2023.

Interview for the shortlisted candidates is tentatively scheduled on 21st October, 2023 at 11:30 am in IQAC room of the college. Selected candidates shall have to join in the positions as per the project development. Outstation candidates can opt fr interview via online mode.

No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. For inquiries, please write to Project Director, Dr Sheeraz at: [email protected] or contact 7006961190

Chemi Health Diagnostics Recruitment 2023 for Office Boy/ Helper, Sales & Service Executive posts

Govt Degree College Recruitment 2023 for Research Assistant and Field Investigator posts