Sunday, February 9, 2025

NIT Srinagar Recruitment 2023 Apply Online, check posts, eligibility, application form, last date

NIT Srinagar Recruitment 2023 Apply Online, check posts, eligibility, application form, last date

NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SRINAGAR (An autonomous Institute of National Importance under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India)
Hazratbal, Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir, 190006, INDIA (Office of the Registrar)

[Advertisement No. NITS/Non-Teaching-Recruitment/23/03(NT), Date:28-08-2023]

NIT Srinagar Recruitment 2023: Recruitment of Non-Teaching Staff
Online applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals for various non-Teaching posts. The Details regarding Posts, Qualification, Experience, Pay, Application form etc. are available on the Institute Website The link for online submission of application forms shall be available on & the last date for submission of online application shall be 24-09-2023

Terms & Conditions: 

1. The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill the posts advertised for any reasons whatsoever.

2. The Institute reserves the right to modify/ defer or cancel the advertisement / recruitment
at any stage of processing without assigning any reason.

3. If advertisement for any post is withdrawn by the Institute, the application fee collected from the candidates shall be refunded.

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4. The eligibility of candidates will be determined as on the last date fixed for receipt of Online Application Forms. However, for determining the age limit the start date of submission of the online application form shall be the cut-off date.

5. Age relaxation to reserved category candidates shall be given as per the Government of India norms for the posts which are reserved for those categories, only.

6. For candidates those who are in service (Govt. / Semi Govt. / PSUs / Universities /

Educational Institutions), their application must be forwarded through proper channel and should furnish a No Objection Certificate (in the prescribed format) from the Competent Authority of the serving organization. However, they can submit the advance copy of the application form online.

7. The Institute shall strictly follow the norms of the Government of India in respect of reservation/relaxation/concessions to various categories in recruitment pertaining to age, qualifying marks, experience/fees, etc. as amended from time to time.

8. Any change of address given in the application form should at once be communicated to the Institute.

9. Besides, all the other conditions as prescribed in the advertisement, Non-Teaching Recruitment Rules along with amendments from time to time issued by the Ministry of Education and not mentioned in the advertisement shall be deemed to have been included on the conditions associated with this advertisement.

10. All fresh appointees shall be placed in National Pension System (NPS).

11. Mere possession of eligibility conditions shall not entitle an applicant to be called for skill test, written test (or interview, wherever applicable).

12. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to assess his/her own eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying in accordance with the prescribed qualifications, experience.

NIT Srinagar Recruitment 2023 – HOW TO APPLY

Before applying for a post, applicants are advised to satisfy themselves about their eligibility. No enquiry in this regard will be entertained thereof.

The applications shall be received through online mode only on The link will be also available on the Institute website .The last date to submit the online applications is 24-09-2023.

Hard Copy of application form is not required to be sent to the Institute.

Application Fee: All applications must be accompanied by a non-refundable processing fee of ₹ 1000/- except for applicants belonging to SC/ST categories. [Fee exemption
derived from Department of Personnel and Training OMs. No.36011/3/84-Estt.(SCT), 1st July, 1985,No. 39020/3/2003-Estt.(B), 03rd August, 2010,No. 36035/2/2017-Estt.(Res),
23rd August, 2019]

The fee should be paid online only through the payment gateway available on the recruitment portal.

Applications which are not accompanied by a non-refundable processing fee of ₹1000/- except for applicants belonging to SC/ST categories shall be summarily rejected. No correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.

The necessary supporting documents like as degree certificates / marks sheets /experience certificate / category certificate (if applicable) issued by the respective competent authorities must be uploaded on the recruitment portal before submitting the
application form.

In-service applicants shall route their applications through proper channel. However, applicants are advised to submit an advance copy of the application form well before the
last date through online mode on the recruitment portal. In case formal copy of application form is not received through proper channel before the conduct of the written test/Interview, the applicant shall be treated as fresh and previous service shall not be
qualifying one.

Candidates shall indicate two references of eminent persons in the field/ profession who may be contacted by the Institute for their recommendations.

NIT Srinagar Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF

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