SKUAST Kashmir Recruitment 2023 for Blacksmith and Mechanic posts
This is notified for the information of all the
candidates who have applied for the post(s)
of Blacksmith and Mechanic advertised vide
University advertisement notice no. 03 of 2022 dated 01-08-2022 issued vide endorsement no.AU/Adm/(GAD)/Adv-NT/2022/7580-99 dated 01-08-2022, that the Trade/Skill test shall be held by the designated committee constituted for the purpose w.e. from 4th & 7th July, 2023 for Blacksmith and Mechanic posts respectively, as per the schedule given in Annexure-A, at Main Campus, SKUAST-K, Shalimar.
The admit cards will be available on SKUAST-K website from 27th June, 2023.
The candidates are informed to carry the documents (Qualification Certificate, DoB Certificate and valid identity proof) without which no candidate will be allowed to appear in the test.