Friday, February 7, 2025

University of Kashmir Invites Applications for Research Positions

University of Kashmir Invites Applications for Research Positions

The Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Kashmir is inviting applications for two Junior Research Fellow (JRF) positions and one Field Assistant position in the research project “Storage, transport and chemical evolution of infiltrating water in critical zone (CZ), western Himalaya” funded by Science and Engineering Board (SERB), Government of India.

The positions are initially for a period of one year, extendable for a period of two years depending upon the performance of the candidate. The position is purely temporary/co-terminus with the project and subject to availability of annual funds.

Eligibility for JRF positions:

  • 55% marks in M.Sc. Applied Geology/Geology.
  • Candidates with NET/SET/GATE will be given preference.

Eligibility for Field Assistant position:

  • BSc/3 years Diploma in Geology & Technology.

How to apply:

Candidates should send their applications on plain paper along with their bio-data and necessary qualifications supported by self-attested documents to the Principal Investigator, Dr. G. Jeelani, by or before February 13, 2024.

The date and timing of the interview will be communicated telephonically and through email. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

For more information, please contact the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Kashmir.

University of Kashmir Invites Applications for Research Positions

Additional details:

  • The project will focus on studying the storage, transport, and chemical evolution of infiltrating water in the critical zone of the western Himalaya.
  • The critical zone is the interface between the Earth’s surface and groundwater, where life and human activities occur.
  • The study will help to improve our understanding of the water cycle in the region and how it is affected by climate change.
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