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JKSSB Sub Inspector (SI) Result 2023 Declared Download Scorecard Pdf here


JKSSB Sub Inspector (SI) Result 2023 Declared Download Scorecard Pdf here

Result/Scoresheet of candidates in the Computer Based Written Test (CBT) for the Posts of Sub Inspector, Home Department

Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) conducted Computer Based Written Test (CBT) for the posts of Sub Inspector, Home Department, UT Cadre, advertised vice Advertisement Notification No. 06 of 2021, under item No. 668, from 07- 12-2022 to 20-12-2022; and

Whereas, the final answer key in respect of CBT examinations for the said posts was finalized and notified vide No. JKSSB-COEDEXAM(UT)/54/2022-03 (7057013), dated: 03-11- 2023; and

Whereas, in terms of SO. 290 of 2021 dated: 20-08-2021 Issued by the Home Department, JAK Government and in pursuance of addendum to Advertisement Notification No. 06 of 2021 dated: 21-10-2021, issued vide No. SSB/Secy/Advt. No./2021/7527-42 dated: 05. 11-2021, the candidatos possessing National Cadet Corps (NCC) certificates shall be awarded additional marks at the following scale

a. 5% of the maximum marks of the examination for NCCC certificate holders.

b. 3% of the maximum marks of the examination for NCC “B” certificate holders.

c.29% of the maximum marks of the examination for NCC “A” certificate holders.

Direct Link SI Result 2023

Whereas, some candidates approached the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribuna Jammu Bench through the medium of OA/1855/2021, bed Vikram Kumar & Others V/s Union of Territory of 38K & Others, with the plea to direct the respondents to prescribed the upper- age imit as 33 years for recruitment to the post of Sub-Inspectors, advertised by JK Services Selection Board vide Advertisement Notification No. 06 of 2021, dated: 21-10-2021; and

Whereas, the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, whie considering the matter on 17/12/2021 directed as under:

“Meanwhile the application forms of the applicants be accepted provided the last date for accepting the forms, as per submission of the learned counsel for the applicants, is 18-12- 2021 and thereafter, the applicants to be permitted to participate in the selection process at their own cost and risk

However, the result of the applicants shall not be declared till further orders from the Tribunal..

Whereas, in compliance to the above referred directions of the Honble Tribunal, the result of such applicants is kept withheld till further orders of the Hon’ble CAT/disposal of the CAS; and

Now, therefore, in view of the above, the result/scoresheet, based on the performance of candidates who appeared in the Computer Based Written Test (CBT) for the posts of Sub Inspectur, UT Cadre, advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 06 of 2021, under Item No

KU Revised 3rd Semester Date Sheet Batch 2022 Regular/Fresh Private

KU Revised 3rd Semester Date Sheet Batch 2022 Regular/Fresh Private

Date Sheet For Regular/Fresh Private candidates of BG 3rd Semester (Batch-2022) Under NEP 2020 Session February, 2024 for Jammu & Kashmir

KU Revised 3rd Semester Date Sheet Batch 2022 Regular/Fresh Private

KU Revised 3rd Semester

1. The class work is deemed to have commenced as per uniform academic calendar notified by Director Colleges.

2. Examination for Skill Courses/Practical/Tutorials shall be conducted by concerned
college by or before 17th February, 2024.

3. The appearance of the candidates in the examination shall be purely on provisional basis subject to
determination of the eligibility.

4. The candidates must carry valid Identity Cards and Admit Cards with them on each day of examination for verification by the examination staff.

5. No Centre Change is allowed.

6. The detailed Centre Notice will be issued separately & will also be available on the University Website &

7. Candidates can download their Admit Cards from the University website after Centre Notice is issued.

8. Candidates are strongly advised not to carry with them any type of communicable devices or any suspicious item at the Examination Centre.

KU Revised 3rd Semester Date Sheet Batch 2022 PDF

Revenue department cracks whip over delay in online services in J&K


Revenue department cracks whip over delay in online services in J&K

Srinagar, Nov 03 (KNO): The Jammu and Kashmir Revenue Department has cracked whip over delay in delivering of online services at tehsil level offices and has asked deputy commissioners concerned to issue notices and take action under Public Service Guarantee Act.

According to a communique, a copy of which lies with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Chief Secretary has taken a serious note of delay in delivery of online services as mandated under Public Service Guarantee Act-2011 (PSGA).

It states that he has desired full implementation of auto appeal system for all the online services of Revenue department and has also asked for analysing the data on auto appeal portal to identify the officers with highest pendency beyond stipulated timelines.

Per the communique, he has directed for strict disciplinary action against those with highest pendency of cases during the vigilance week.

“After analysing data on auto appeal portal, the offices has been found having the highest pendency.”

Chief Secretary has directed deputy commissioners concerned to issue notices to defaulters to seek their replies and take disciplinary action as provided—(KNO)

JKSSB patwari Final Selection List Download pdf

JKSSB patwari Final Selection List Download pdf

Final Selection List for the post of Patwari/Settlement Patwari (DMRRR), District Cadre Anantnag, advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 05 of 2022 dated. 09.09.2022, under Item No. 197.

Whereas, the Department of Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation & Reconstruction (DMRRR), vide Indent No. DMRRR-MR/86/2021 dated 23.02.2022, forwarded the requisition for making direct recruitment to the 01 post of Patwari / Settlement Patwari, Level – 4 (25500-81100) as per following break up:

The requisite qualification for selection against the post, as per the Indent, is as under:

(i) Graduation with knowledge of Urdu.

Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB), advertised the 01 post as per the category-wise break up given hereinabove, vide Advertisement Notification No. 05 of 2022 dated 09.09.2022 under Item No. 197, for seeking applications from the eligible candidates; and

Whereas, the JKSSB vide Notification No. JKSSB-COEOEXAM/10/2022- 04 (CC-7055504) Dated. 06.01.2023, issued the Advance Notice for Conduct of Written Examinations / Computer Based Test (CBT) for the said post and vide

notice no: JKSSB-COEOEXAM/10/2022-04 (CC-7055504) dated. 12.01.2023, following was notified for the candidates

“that the Urdu portion of the syllabus will be of qualifying nature only. The marks obtained in the Urdu portion will not get added to the Final Merit of candidates for selection”; and

Whereas, the CBT Examination for the post was held on 07.02.2023 and result notification of the candidates who qualified the Urdu qualifying paper for the post of Patwari/Settlement Patwari (DMRRR) District Cadre Anantnag, was notified vide notification No. JKSSB-COEOEXAM(UT)/06/2023-04 (7110979), dated: 26.05.2023. Further, vide Notification No. JKSSB- COEOEXAM/(UT)/06/2023-04 (7110979) dated. 06.07.2023, Result / Merit List of the candidates was notified; and,

Whereas, the schedule of the Documents Verification (DV) of the candidates falling under the consideration zone were notified vide notification No. JKSSB-COE0EXAM(UT)/48/2023-03 (CC-7207093) dated: 31.07.2023 and Supplementary Document Verification (DV) vide No. JKSSB- COEOEXAM(UT)/48/2023-03 (CC-7207093) dated 14.08.2023; and

Whereas, the JKSSB vide Office Order No. 164-SSB of 2023 dated 28.08.2023, constituted a Selection Committee for preparing the Selection List for the said post. The Provisional Selection List for the aforementioned post, prepared as per the merit / eligibility of the candidates and having regard to the extant rules/regulations, was approved by Board in its 236th meeting held on 18.09.2023 and subsequently notified, vide Notification No. JKSSB- SDOSECY(JMU)/2023/897-902 Dated:20.09.2023, wherein candidates were provided opportunity to submit their representations/grievances, if any, in the Board within five days from the date of its Notification, beyond which no representations shall be entertained. No representation/grievance was received against the Provisional Selection list of said post; and

Whereas, the Board in its 241th meeting held on 18.10.2023, approved the Final Selection List for the post of Patwari/Settlement Patwari (DMRRR) District Cadre Anantnag advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 05 of 2022 dated. 09.09.2022, Item No. 197.

JKSSB patwari Final Selection List

JKSSB patwari Final Selection List

Desist From Participation in Demonstrations, Strikes: Government to Employees


Desist From Participation in Demonstrations, Strikes: Government to Employees

Srinagar, Nov 3 (GNS): The Government of Jammu and Kashmir has warned of strict action against employees for their participation in demonstrations and strikes.

“… It has come to fore that some employees are resorting to demonstrations and strikes in favour of certain demands. In this regard, reference to Rule 20(ii) of the Jammu and Kashmir Government Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1971 is invited for all concerned”, reads an order, a copy of which lies with GNS.

“The said provision is reproduced as under: “Demonstrations and strikes. – No Government employee shall resort to or in any way abet any form of strike in connection with any matter pertaining to his service or the service of any other Government employee”, reads the order.

“The aforesaid provision of law is not merely declaratory in nature and shall definitely entail consequences in the event of any such employee found immersive in such acts. Therefore, all Administrative Secretaries are requested to circulate these instructions to employees in their respective Department(s) to desist from all such uncalled for demonstrations and strikes: an act of serious indiscipline and misconduct”, the order reads.

“The Departments are also impressed upon to take strict disciplinary action against any such employee(s) found involved in organizing demonstration(s) and strike(s), in terms of rule mentioned supra”, the order reads further. (GNS)

Desist From Participation in Demonstrations, Strikes: Government to Employees

JKBOPEE Provisional Selection List for admission to the BAMS/BUMS Courses 2023


JKBOPEE Provisional Selection List for admission to the BAMS/BUMS Courses-2023

Provisional Selection List of the candidates for admission to the BAMS/BUMS Courses-
2023 in the Government/Private Colleges /Institutions of the UT of J&K after conduct of Second Round of Physical Counselling.

Reference: i) Notification No.076-BOPEE of 2023 dated 20.09.2023.
ii) Notification No. 082-BOPEE of 2023 dated 20.09-2023.
iii) Notice No. 027 -BOPEE of 2023 dated 20.09.2023.
iv) WP(c) No. 2427/2023, CM No. 5694/2023 titled Jammu College of Physiotherapy
v/s UT of J&K & Ors.
v) Notification No. 094-BOPEE of 2023 dated 13.10.2023.
vi) Notification No. 104-BOPEE of 2023 dated 27.10.2023.

Notification No. 108-BOPEE of 2023
Dated 01-11- 2023

Pursuant to Notification No. 104-BOPEE of 2023 dated 27.10.2023, the Board has conducted 2nd Round of Physical counselling for filling up of seats of Ayush Courses -2023 which had remained unfilled or received as shortfall after the conduct of first round of counseling on 30th & 31st of October 2023 at BOPEE office Srinagar/Jammu simultaneously. The list of candidates provisionally Upgraded/ Allotted seats in Government/Private Colleges/Institutions of UT of J&K, is hereby notified as per Annexure-A to this notification, which shall be available on the official website of the
Board viz. only.
The provisionally selected candidates shall report to the colleges allotted to them upto 06.11.2023 till 4:00 p.m. along with the following documents in original:

1. Domicile Certificate.
2. 12th Class Marks Card.
3. DOB Certificate/10th Class Marks Card issued by the Board.
4. Category Certificate, wherever applicable.
5. NEET-2023 score card.

6. Any other document as may be required by the college authorities.
The provisionally selected candidates shall have to mandatorily report for admission to the allotted Colleges / Institutions by or before 06.11.2023 upto 4:00 p.m. along with their relevant
certificates/documents in original, failing which they shall not be eligible for further round of counselling, if any, conducted by the Board.

Central Bank of India Recruitment 2023 for over 150 posts Apply online, Last Date

The concerned Colleges/Institutions shall furnish the shortfall, if any, on 06.11.2023 upto 05:00p.m. positively to enable the Board to take further appropriate action in the matter.

1. The admission of candidates shall be purely provisional and liable to be cancelled in case any information furnished by any candidate(s) proves to be false / fabricated and action as
warranted under law shall be initiated against them.

2. If any candidate(s) is found to have concealed any information, his/her selection/admission shall be cancelled ab-initio and fine/penalty shall also be imposed upon him/her as may be deemed proper by the Board in accordance with the laid down rules.

3. All the provisionally selected candidates are advised to visit their respective allotted
Colleges/Institutions for fee and other relevant documents required by the respective Colleges/Institutions.

4. It is the sole responsibility of the concerned Colleges/Institutions to check and verify the documents and eligibility of the provisionally selected candidates before allowing them to join in their respective Colleges/Institutions.

5. All the concerned Heads of the Institutions/Colleges are requested to keep their admission counters open on Holidays/Off days, falling if any, to facilitate the candidates to complete
their admission(s) well in time and the candidates should in their own interest, avoid waiting for the last day for completing the admission formalities as the delay in such matters has the
potential of causing hardships to the candidates only.

6. The Heads of the concerned Colleges/Institutions shall keep the record of the admissions and send the shortfall of the candidates, if any, who have not completed their admission
formalities within the prescribed time mentioned above through E-mail viz.
[email protected] & [email protected] on 06.11.2023 upto 5:00 p.m. positively along with a hardcopy duly signed by the Heads of the Institution.

7. As notified vide Notification No. 082-BOPEE of 2023 dated 20.09.2023, the seats under All India Quota (AIQ)/Management Quota (MQ) under BAMS/BUMS courses have also been
filled during this round of counselling.

8. It is hereby implored upon the management of all the concerned Colleges/ Institutions to ensure the veracity of documents, particularly the Category Certificates wherever the
admission is to be granted in lieu of a Reserved Category. So far as the Persons with Disability are concerned, if selected under Open Merit or against a Reserved Category, it shall be ensured that his/her PwD Certificate/eligibility is in conformity with Rights of
Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 and wherever required shall refer the matter to the concerned Medical Board i.e. Government Medical College Jammu/Government Medical
College Srinagar to assess the disability of such candidate(s) and make recommendations that the candidate, if any, does not fulfill benchmarks of eligibility, he/she shall not be
admitted to the course/college and the matter shall be reported to the Board for further course of action. However, such a seat shall be deemed to be vacant and shall be filled in subsequent round(s) of counselling, if any, conducted by the Board.

9. The Heads of the concerned Colleges / Institutions are advised to release the fee/documents
in favour of the candidates who have been upgraded during 2nd Round of counselling to enable them to complete their admission formalities in the respective colleges/institutions
without any delay.
10. This Notification is issued without any prejudice and subject to final outcome of writ petition, if any, pending before any competent court of law.

Central Bank of India Recruitment 2023 for over 150 posts Apply online, Last Date


Central Bank of India Recruitment 2023 for over 150 posts Apply online, Last Date

Central Bank of India (CBI) has released a new notification for the direct recruitment of Specialist Officers posts. Candidates who are interested in applying for this job and meet all eligibility criteria as mentioned in the notification can apply online on the official website at The online application process for the Central Bank of India Recruitment 2023 has already commenced starting from October 28 and will end on November 19.

Central Bank of India has released the Central Bank of India Specialist Officer (SO) Recruitment 2023 notification on 28/10/2023. Notification is out for filling up 192 Specialist Officer vacancies in various streams. The selection process and eligibility details for Specialist Officers posts are given below. Interested candidates can submit the online application from 28/10/2023 to 19/11/2023. Check the vacancies and all the eligibility details and apply using the online application link given below.

Name of the Post: Specialist Officer

Post Date: 28/10/2023

No of Vacancies: 192

Place: Across India

See Also:

Important Dates for Central Bank of India Specialist Officer (SO) Recruitment 2023:

Check the online application dates given on the table and register for the Specialist Officer posts as per the given dates through the Central Bank of India website. The last date to apply for the post is 19th November 2023.

Start Date to Apply Online28/10/2023
Last Date to Apply Online19/11/2023
Tentative Date of On-line Examination3rd/4th Week of December 2023

Vacancy Details of Central Bank of India Specialist Officer (SO) Recruitment 2023:

Online application is invited for 192 Specialists Officer Posts. Post wise vacancy distribution is given here. Candidates can clearly go through the list of vacancies in the below table.

S. NoName of the PostScaleNo. of Posts
1Information TechnologyV1
2Risk ManagerV1
3Risk ManagerIV1
4Information TechnologyIII6
5Financial AnalystIII5
6Information TechnologyII73
7Law OfficerII15
8Credit OfficerII50
9Financial AnalystII4
10CA –Finance & Accounts / GST/ Ind AS / Balance Sheet / TaxationII3
11Information TechnologyI15
12Security OfficerI15
13Risk ManagerI2

Pay Scale:

The selected candidates for Specialist Officer posts will have a pay scale as follows. Candidates employed in other Public Sector Banks (PSBs) will be provided with Pay Protection and one additional increment within the pay scale of the selected grade.

S. NoName of the PostsPay Scale
1JMG Scale I36000 – 63840
2MMG Scale II48170 – 69810
3MMG Scale III63840 – 78230
4SMG Scale IV76010 – 89890
5SMG Scale IV89890 – 100350

Age Limit:

Candidates who apply for the Specialist Officer posts must have the following upper age limit to be eligible for the posts. The upper age limit of the candidate as on 30/09/2023 is as follows. Check the upper age limit of the candidates here.

S. NoName of the PostScaleAge Limit
1Information TechnologyV45 Years
2Risk ManagerV45 Years
3Risk ManagerIV40 Years
4Information TechnologyIII35 Years
5Financial AnalystIII35 Years
6Information TechnologyII33 Years
7Law OfficerII33 Years
8Credit OfficerII33 Years
9Financial AnalystII33 Years
10CA –Finance & Accounts / GST/ Ind AS / Balance Sheet / TaxationII33 Years
11Information TechnologyI30 Years
12Security OfficerI45 Years
13Risk ManagerI30 Years
14LibrarianI30 Years

Age Relaxation:

Age relaxation is applicable for OBC, SC, ST and for candidates whose Children / Family members died in the 1984 riots. Candidates belonging to this category can check the age relaxation.

S. NoCategoryAge relaxation
1SC / ST 05 years
2OBC 03 years
3Children/Family members of those who died in the 1984 riots 05 years
4PWD 10 years

Educational Qualification:

  • Candidates should have completed a Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree in a respective field & discipline with relevant work experience.

Selection Process:

The selection process involves two stages

  1. Written Test (Online)
  2. Interview

Exam Pattern:

The structure of the online written examination is as follows.

S. NoName of TestsNo of QnsMax MarksDuration
1Stream / Category Specific Questions606060 minutes
2Computer Knowledge2020
3Banking, Present Economic Scenario & General Awareness2020

Application Fee:

The Application Fees can be paid only online. Payment can be made by using Debit. Cards, Credit Cards, Internet Banking. Applications will be accepted only when the payment is completed.

CategoryApplication Fee
SC/ST/PWS/Women175/- +GST
All Other Candidates850/- +GST

How to Apply for Central Bank of India Specialist Officer (SO) Recruitment 2023:

  • Apply online by visiting the Central Bank of India website
  • Apply online on or before 19/11/2023.
  • Click careers -> “CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE” to open the Online Application Form.
  • New users must register using their active email ID and mobile number.
  • After registering, candidates log in and apply using the registration number and password.
  • Fill all the correctly as no correction is allowed after submitting the form.
  • Upload photograph & signature as per the prescribed format.
  • Click SUBMIT.
  • The payment can be made online using Debit Cards (RuPay / Visa / MasterCard / Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards / Mobile Wallets.
  • Print the Application form for future reference.

According to the official notification, a total of 192 candidates for the post of Specialist Officer in various streams including Information Technology, Law Officer, Credit Officer, and others.

Check the eligibility criteria and other important details related to CBI SO Recruitment here.

Central Bank of India Recruitment 2023 Vacancy Details

The organization aims to fill up 192 Specialist Officer posts through this recruitment drive.

Central Bank of India SO Recruitment 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Candidates who wants to apply for the vacancies can check the official notification PDF to know the eligibility criteria including Educational Qualification and Age Limit.

Central Bank of India SO Recruitment Selection Process

Selection will be done through an online written test and personal interview. Note that merely satisfying the eligibility norm does not entitle a candidate to be called for a Test or Interview.

Central Bank of India Recruitment 2023

Grade/Scale Scale of Pay
MMG SCALE III: 63,840 – 1,990 (5) – 73,790 – 2,220 (2) – 78,230
SMG SCALE IV: 76,010 – 2,220 (4) – 84,890 – 2,500 (2) – 89,890
SMG SCALE V: 89,890 – 2,500 (2) – 94,890 – 2,730 (2) – 100,350
JMG SCALE I: 36,000 – 1,490 (7) – 46,430 – 1,740 (2) – 49,910 – 1,990 (7) – 63,840
MMG SCALE II: 48,170 – 1,740 (1) – 49,910 – 1,990 (10) – 69,810

How to apply for Central Bank of India SO Recruitment 2023?

Step 1: Visit the official website of CBI at

Step 2: On the homepage, go to the ‘New Registration’ tab.

Step 3: Register and login using the registration number and password.

Step 4:  Fill out the application form as per instructions.

Step 5: Upload the requisite documents.

Step 6: Pay the application fee if there is any.

Step 7: Submit the application form and take a print out of the same for future need.

CBI SO Recruitment 2023 Application Fee

The Application Fee for all the posts as per the Central Bank of India SO Recruitment 2023 Notification is given below. Application fees can be submitted online mode via Credit Card, Debit Card, or Net Banking.

CBI SO Recruitment 2023 – Application Fee
CategoryApplication Fee
ST/SC/PWBD/WomenRs 175 + GST
All OtherRs. 850 + GST

Steps to Apply for Central Bank of India Specialist Officers Recruitment 2023

Following are the steps that should be followed for applying for the Posts covered under Central Bank of India Recruitment 2023:

Steps 1. First, you need to visit the official website or Click on the Online Form link mentioned above.

Steps 2. On the homepage search for “New Registration” and click on that link.

Steps 3. There are all the required steps to create your Registration ID and password that will be required for filling up the application form.

Step 4. Once your login credentials are made, then log in using those credentials.

Step 5. After login, you can see the application form. Fill out the form carefully. Try not to make any mistakes in order to avoid future problems.

Step 6. After correctly filling in all the details you will be asked to upload some documents. Upload everything as per specifications along with your scanned photograph and signature and click on the “Continue” option.

Step 7. Preview the form once again. If everything is correct click on the “Submit” button.

Step 8. Your application will be submitted. You can download and take a printout for future correspondence.

Central Bank of India Specialist Officer Recruitment 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The candidate must fulfill the following criteria to qualify for the Central Bank of India Specialist Officer 2023 Exam. The candidates can find the educational qualification and age limit in the table given below.

Central Bank of India 2023 SO Educational Qualification

The educational qualification for the Central Bank of India 2023 Specialist Officer Recruitment is given in the table below.

Central Bank Of India SO Educational Qualification
Post / ScaleEducational Qualifications
Information Technology / AGM – Scale VFull-time Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering disciplines like Computer Science/Information Technology/Electronics & Communication or Master’s in Computer Application with 60% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized University/Institute.
Risk Management/ AGM – Scale VB.Sc in Statistics or Bachelor’s Degree in Analytical field (Statistics, Applied Maths, and Operation Research and Data Science) or MBA in Finance or Banking with 55% marks from an AICTE/UGC approved University/College.
Risk Management/ CM – Scale IVB.Sc in Statistics or Bachelor’s Degree in Analytical field (Statistics, Applied Maths, and Operation Research and Data Science) with 55% marks or MBA in Finance or Banking with 55% marks from an AICTE/UGC approved University/College.
Information Technology / SM-Scale IIIEngineering Graduate in Computer Science/IT/ECE with 60% marks or equivalent grade or MCA/M.Sc. (IT)/M.Sc. (Computer Science) with 60% marks from a recognized University/Institute.
Financial Analyst / SM – Scale IIIPass in the final examination of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) or MBA with a specialization in Finance with 60% marks.
Information Technology / Manager – Scale IIEngineering Graduate in Computer Science/IT/ECE with 60% marks or equivalent grade or MCA/M.Sc.(IT)/M.Sc. (Computer Science) with 60% marks.
Law Officer – Scale IIBachelor’s Degree in Law (LLB) integrated 5 years/3 years regular course from a recognized University/Institute with 60% marks.
Credit Officer – Scale IIGraduate with Full-time MBA/MMS (Finance)/full-time PGDBM (Banking & Finance) with 60% Marks or a pass in the final examination of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
Financial Analyst/ Manager – Scale IIA pass in the final examination of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) or MBA with specialization in Finance with 60% marks.
CA –Finance & Accounts/GST/Ind AS/Balance Sheet/Taxation – Scale IIA pass in the final examination of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
Information Technology / AM-Scale IEngineering Graduate in Computer Science/IT/ECE with 60% marks or equivalent grade or MCA/M.Sc.(IT)/M.Sc. (Computer Science) with 60% marks.
Security/ AM – Scale 1Should be a Graduate.
Risk/ AM – Scale 1MBA/MMS/Post Graduate Diploma in Banking/Finance with aggregate of at least 60% marks from an Indian University/Institute recognized by Govt. Bodies/AICTE or Post Graduate in Statistics/Math with aggregate of at least 60% marks.
Librarian/ AM – Scale 1A degree (Graduation) in Library Science with 55% marks from a recognized university.

Central Bank of India 2023 Age Limit for Specialist Officer

The age limit for the Central Bank of India 2023 is given in the table given below. The date of calculation for age is 30th September 2023.

Central Bank of India SO Recruitment 2023 Age Limit
Post / ScaleMaximum Age Limit
Information Technology / AGM – Scale V45 Years
Risk Management/ AGM – Scale V45 Years
Risk Management/ CM – Scale IV40 Years
Information Technology / SM-Scale III35 Years
Financial Analyst / SM – Scale III35 Years
Information Technology / Manager – Scale II33 Years
Law Officer – Scale II33 Years
Credit Officer – Scale II33 Years
Financial Analyst/ Manager – Scale II33 Years
CA –Finance & Accounts/ GST/Ind AS/ Balance Sheet/Taxation – Scale II33 Years
Information Technology / AM-Scale I30 Years
Security/ AM – Scale 145 Years
Risk/ AM – Scale 130 Years
Librarian/ AM – Scale 130 Years

Central Bank of India 2023 SO Work Experience

Candidates also need to fulfill the required work experience to apply for the CBI SO Recruitment 2023.

Central Bank Of India SO Work Experience
Post / ScaleExperience Required
Information Technology / AGM – Scale VMinimum 10 years’ post-basic qualification experience in designing and launching digital products/platforms in BFSI Sector or Fintech companies.
Risk Management/ AGM – Scale VOverall post-basic qualification Banking experience of 10 years with a minimum of 6 years experience in Risk Management/Credit/Treasury/ALM in Scheduled Commercial Banks.
Risk Management/ CM – Scale IVOverall post-basic qualification Banking experience of 8 years with a minimum of 4 years experience in Risk Management/Credit/Treasury/ALM in Scheduled Commercial Banks.
Information Technology / SM-Scale IIIMinimum 6 years of post-basic qualification experience in SOC operations.
Financial Analyst / SM – Scale IIIMinimum 1-year post-qualification experience for CA/ICWA Candidates, and a minimum of 4 years post-qualification experience as an officer in a PSB/Private Bank/PSU for MBA (Finance) candidates.
Information Technology / Manager – Scale IIMinimum 3 years of post-basic qualification experience in SOC operations or IT, as per the role’s desirability.
Law Officer – Scale IIEnrolled as an advocate with Bar Council and 3 years experience of practice at Bar or Judicial service, and/or 2 years as a Law Officer in the Legal Department of a Scheduled Commercial Bank or the Central/State Government or of a Public Sector Undertaking.
Credit Officer – Scale IIMinimum 3 years post qualification experience as an officer in a PSB/Private Bank/PSU for MBA/MMS (Finance)/PGDBM (Banking & Finance) candidates.
Financial Analyst/ Manager – Scale IIMinimum 3 years’ post-qualification experience for CA/ICWA candidates, and a minimum of 3 years’ post-qualification experience as an officer in a Public Sector Bank/Private Bank/PSU for MBA (Finance) candidates.
CA –Finance & Accounts/GST/Ind AS/Balance Sheet/Taxation – Scale IIDesirable: Two years’ experience in relevant fields.
Information Technology / AM-Scale IMinimum 1 year post qualification experience in IT sector/industry in the field of production deployment.
Security/ AM – Scale 1Ex-Junior Commissioned Officers with a minimum of 5 years service as JCO in the Indian Army or equivalent rank from Air Force, Navy, and Para Military Forces.
Risk/ AM – Scale 1Nil
Librarian/ AM – Scale 1Minimum 5 years’ post-qualification experience.

Central Bank of India SO Recruitment 2023 Selection Process

The Selection Process for Central Bank of India SO Recruitment 2023 includes the following Stages:

  • Online Exam
  • Interview

Central Bank of India SO Recruitment 2023 Exam Pattern

Candidates who want to appear for the Central Bank of India Recruitment 2023 can check the exam pattern below.

SectionsNo. of QuestionsNo. of MarksDuration
Banking606060 minutes
Computer Knowledge2020
Present Economic Scenario & General Awareness2020

Central Bank of India SO Recruitment 2023 Salary

The details of the salary for the CBI Specialist Officers 2023 scale-wise have been tabulated below.

Central Bank Specialist Officer Salary 2023
Grade/ScaleScale of Pay
JMG SCALE I36,000 – 1,490 (7) – 46,430 – 1,740 (2) – 49,910 – 1,990 (7) – 63,840
MMG SCALE II48,170 – 1,740 (1) – 49,910 – 1,990 (10) – 69,810
MMG SCALE III63,840 – 1,990 (5) – 73,790 – 2,220 (2) – 78,230
SMG SCALE IV76,010 – 2,220 (4) – 84,890 – 2,500 (2) – 89,890
SMG SCALE V89,890 – 2,500 (2) – 94,890 – 2,730 (2) – 100,350


Q1. What is the last date to apply for Central Bank of India Specialist Officer Recruitment 2023?

Ans. The apply online last date for Central Bank of India Specialist Officer Recruitment 2023 is 19th November 2023.

Q2. How many vacancies are released under Central Bank of India Specialist Officer Recruitment 2023?

Ans. A total of 192 vacancies are released under Central Bank of India Specialist Officer Recruitment 2023?

Q3. What is the application fee for Central Bank of India SO Recruitment 2023?

Ans. The application fee for Central Bank of India SO Recruitment 2023 is Rs. 850/-

Q4. How can I apply for Central Bank of India Specialist Officer Recruitment 2023?

Ans. The direct link to apply for Central Bank of India Specialist Officer Recruitment 2023 is provided in the article.

Q5. What are the eligibility criteria for Central Bank of India SO Recruitment 2023?

Ans, The eligibility criteria required for Central Bank of India SO Recruitment

Government Orders Minor Reshuffle in Police Department, Posts Rajeshwar Singh As SSP CID Headquarters


Government Orders Minor Reshuffle in Police Department, Posts Rajeshwar Singh As SSP CID Headquarters

Dawood Is New SP Handwara

Srinagar, Nov 3 (GNS): The Government of Jammu and Kashmir Friday transferred and posted Rajeshwar Singh, IPS, as Senior Superintendent of Police, CID Headquarters, J&K.

The newly posted SSP, as per the order, will act vice to Dawood Ayoub, as per an order, a copy of which lies with GNS.

Dawood Ayoub, Superintendent of Police, CID Headquarters J&K is transferred and posted as Superintendent of Police, Handwara, relieving Shri Yougal Kumar, SP Kupwara of additional charge of the post. (GNS)

JKPSC Assistant Professor Provisional Select List in Higher Education Department

JKPSC Assistant Professor Provisional Select List in Higher Education Department

Provisional Select List for the post of Assistant Professor, Environment Science, in Higher Education Department – disposal of representation thereof.

NOTICE Dated:01.11.2023

Whereas, Higher Education Department, vide letter No. HE/Coll/Coord/Apptt/A.P./2021 dated: 05.07.2021 and HED-GAZ/85/2022-04 dated: 13.04.2022, referred fifteen (15) posts (OM: 07, RBA: 02, SC: 02, ST: 01, EWS: 01, ALC/IB: 01, PSP: 01) of Assistant Professor (Environment Science) to the J&K Public Service Commission, for selection; and,

Whereas, the J&K Public Service Commission, vide Notification No. 06- PSC (DR-P) of 2023 dated: 01.03.2023, advertised the said posts; and,

Whereas, the written test was conducted on 27.08.2023 and the result of the written test was declared vide Notification No. PSC/Exam/S/2023/53 dated: 18.09.2023; and,

Whereas, the viva-voce of the candidates was conducted on 21.09.2023 and 22.09.2023; and,

Whereas, a provisional Select List was issued on 04.10.2023; and,

Whereas, the Select List was provisional, subject to objections, if any, which were to be received within five days; and,

Whereas, three representations have been received from:-

1. Ms. Rekha Kumari,

2. Mr. Aadil Parvaiz Lone.

3. Ms. Asma Parvez

Whereas, the objections raised in the representations and their consideration is given here-in-under:

JKPSC Assistant Professor Provisional Select List

JKPSC Assistant Professor Provisional Select List

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PAK vs NZ: Rain in Bengaluru may upset Babar Azam-led team’s semi-final equations


PAK vs NZ: Rain in Bengaluru may upset Babar Azam-led team’s semi-final equations

Pakistan, which is relying on a combination of factors to enter the World Cup semi-final, may suffer a setback on Saturday when they are scheduled to face New Zealand in a do-or-die contest at Bengaluru’s M Chinnaswamy Stadium.

India, after defeating Sri Lanka by a massive 302 runs, have entered the semi-final. South Africa and Australia, too, have almost secured their places in the final four.

With 8 points in 7 matches, New Zealand look better positioned to enter the top four but they will have to win at least one of the two remaining matches to take their points to 10 – the maximum that the Babar Azam-led team can achieve now. Pakistan, on the other hand, will have to win their both matches to gain 10 points and anything less than that will end their run for the coveted trophy.

After Pakistan won their last match against Bangladesh, everything has gone in their favor – from South Africa’s massive win against New Zealand to India’s solid win against Sri Lanka. However, now weather forecasts predict over 80 per cent chance of rain in Bengaluru on Saturday. If rain happens to the extent that match is washed out, Pakistan will be out of the contention for semi-final.

In a washout scenario, points will be divided between both teams and Pakistan’s points will be 7 while New Zealand will have 9. If Babar Azam’s team defeat England and Tom Latham-led team lose to Sri Lanka, the Men in Green will have 9 points but they will still be behind the Kiwis in terms of their current net run rate.

“BAD NEWS – The prediction of rainfall has increased to 90% in the afternoon in Bengaluru on Saturday which could affect the Pakistan-New Zealand match. A washout will negatively impact Pakistan on the points table in regards to qualification in the semis of WorldCup,” Muhammad Sameer, a sports journalist, said.