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Kashmir University submission of online examination forms for M.Tech (Computer Science) Batch 2020

Kashmir University submission of online examination forms for M.Tech (Computer Science) Batch 2020

It is notified for information of all concerned Regular candidates of M.Tech 4th Semester (CS) Batch 2020 enrolled through Post Graduate Department of Computer Sciences, University of Kashmir-, that the link for online submission of examination forms will be open on the University website from 2410512023 to 29108/2023.

1. Students whose forms are generated as “Verified” shall complete the payment of fee online via debit/credit card/Rupay Card (free of charges) tJPI (free of charges).

2. All students shall retain the hard copy of the examination forms,
r ln case of any discrepancy send an email to [email protected]

Kashmir University submission of online examination forms for M.Tech (Computer Science) Batch 2020

Waqf Board to start recruiting Imams for mosques and shrines across Kashmir

Waqf Board to start recruiting Imams for mosques and shrines across Kashmir

Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Waqf Board on Friday said it will start recruitment of degree holder Imam’s, Mubaligh’s, Muazin’s in coming days.

It also said the Waqf will invite applications and interviews in this regard will be conducted soon.

Chairperson of JK Waqf Board, Dr Darkshan Andrabi said that JK Waqf Board is going to start recruitment of degree holder Imam’s, Mubaligh’s, Muazin’s for valley’s Mosques and Shrines.

“JK Waqf Board is a religious institution which deals with Mosques and Shrines. We need Imam’s, Preachers and Muazin’s there to carry out religious duties. At several Mosques and Shrines we have no arrangement of people who lead congregational religious duties there. So in this regard J&K Waqf has decided to carry out a recruitment drive soon to fill the vacancies so that the shortcomings would be resolved,” Dr. Darkshan Andrabi said.

Andrabi said that we have a lot of people in our valley who posses degrees in Islamic Studies and Waqf needs them passionately to serve for a big cause. “J&K Waqf Board has decided to recruit people who holds degree in Islamic Studies and can lead Islamic prayers and congregations well. We want to revive this culture in Kashmir onwards. We will invite applications and interviews in this regard will be conducted soon,” she said.

She said Waqf will also replace elders from young ones. “It is a prime demand from public. We will look into the matter and situation will be addressed on priority basis. We respect our Imam’s and Preacher’s but there should an age limit to serve the community. Those who will lead prayers and congregations should be under age and degree holders,” she added. (KNS)

JKBOSE released various result notifications


JKBOSE released various result notifications

Result Notification No:- 09/ HSP-II/2023/Annual-Regular-2023/Hard Zone Dated:- 26-08-2023 View

Result Notification: 19/HSP-II/2023/Annual-Regular-2023/Soft Zone Dated:- 26-08-2023 View

Extension Notification for Submission of Offline permission cum Examination Forms for 10th & 12th Annual (Pvt)/Bi-Annual Examination 2023 View

Result Notification: 18/HSP-II/2023/Annual-Regular-2023/Soft Zone Dated:- 22-08-2023 View

Result Notification No:- 16/ HSP-II/2022/Bi-Annual-2022/SZ Dated:- 22-08-2023 View

Minor Correction Slip No. 259 of 2023 Dated 22.08.2023 View

Minor Correction Slip No. 258 of 2023 Dated 22.08.2023 View

Order No.284-B of 2023 Dated:- 21.08.2023 regarding Engagement of Desk Job Workers View

Extension Notification for Admission cum Examination Form for Classes 10th and 12th through JKSOS for the session 2023-24 of UTs of J&K and Ladakh. View

Notification No:- 06/D.El.Ed – 2nd Year/Annual/2019-2021Dated:-18-08-23 View

Direct link here

Transfers and postings of DySPs, check order copy here


Transfers and postings of DySPs, check order copy here

ORDER NO: 505 OF 2023
DATED: 26-08- 2023

In the interest of administration transfer/posting of the following DYSsP is ordered with immediate effect:

1. Shri Bashir Ahmad, (KPS116037), SDPO Gurez is transferred and posted as DYSP JKAP.9h Battalion against available vacancy.

2. Shri Ummer Rashied, (KPSI55782), DYSP SSG J&K is transferred and posted as SDPO Gurez vice Shri Bashir
Ahmad, DYSP.

They shall be relieved forthwith.

Transfers and postings of DySPs, check order copy here

National Curriculum Framework suggests to bring reforms in board examinations for Grades 10, 12 substantially


National Curriculum Framework suggests to bring reforms in board examinations for Grades 10, 12 substantially

Suggests to allow students to take Board examinations on at least two occasions during any given school year, with only the best score being retained

Riyaz Bhat

Srinagar, Aug 26 (KNO): The National Curriculum Framework 2023 for School Education has suggested bringing reforms in board examinations for Grades 10 and 12 substantially to make it more ‘easier’ for the students.

According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the framework suggests, “The Board examinations for Grades 10 and 12 will also be substantially reformed. These will be made ‘easier’—the Board examinations will primarily aim to assess understanding and achievement of Competencies rather than months of coaching and memorization.”

The framework states that in order to further eliminate the ‘high stakes’ aspect of Board examinations, “All students will be allowed to take Board examinations on at least two occasions during any given school year, with only the best score being retained.”

Stating the pedagogy of the framework, the document reads, “In the long term, being able to take a subject Board examination immediately after the ‘school term’ that is ‘semester-wise’ or ‘on-demand’ Board examinations) will be made available.”

It also states that in order to enable deeper understanding of concepts across subjects, and their interrelations, and to enable the acquisition of the various aforementioned values, dispositions, and capacities, pedagogy in the classroom must become more effective.

“Depending on the matter of study, context, and stage of the student, these effective pedagogical approaches would be of a wide range, including pedagogy that is more experiential, integrated, inquiry-driven, discovery- oriented, discussion-based, project-based, arts-based, sports-based, and activity-based. Such pedagogy will not only be more effective, but also more engaging and enjoyable,” it reads.

According to the National Curriculum Framework, I general, more participation, questioning, discussion, debate, and writing including creative writing by all students in the classroom in all subjects will help ensure the acquisition of capacities in languages, communication, and logical reasoning that are considered essential for effective exchanges of ideas across disciplines over a lifetime.

“Assessment too will be transformed in parallel to the changes in pedagogy, from primarily testing facts, to testing core capacities and Competencies,” it reads.

It also states that the ‘assessment culture’ must change too, so that assessment is conducted increasingly as learning and for learning.

“There must also be periodic assessment of learning to ensure readiness for the next phase of learning, and to arrange suitable support for students when this readiness is not achieved,” reads the report—(KNO)

J&K Placement of officers of General Executive Cadre in Non Functional Grades


J&K Placement of officers of General Executive Cadre in Non Functional Grades.

(i) Decision dated 15.02.2023 of Establishment-Cum-Selection
Committee (ECSC), conveyed by the General Administration Department vide O.M No.GAD-SERVOGENL28/2023, dated

(ii)Finance Department’s U.O. No.FD-Code/13 1/2022-02-354, dated

(iii) Police Headquarters communications No.Gz/G-37/NFS/2022,
dated 05.08.2022;
No.Gz/G-37/NFS/JKPS/2022, dated
31.08.2022 & 21.11.2022; No.Gz/G-37/NFSJKPS/ 2023 dated
01.03.2023; and No.Gz/G-37/NFS/22/2023, dated 19.07.2023.

(iv) Minutes of the Selection Committee Meeting held on 20.06.2023.

(v) Government Order No. 191-Home of 2022, dated 25.06.2022. Government Order No.: 414-Home of 2023

Dated: 26.08.2023

In terms of Non-Functional (Monetary) Scheme (NFS), notified vide SRO 215 of 2018 dated 18.05.2018, read with SRO 572 of 2018 dated 13.12.2018 and SO 198 of 202 1l dated 11.06.2021, sanction is hereby accorded to the:
Revision of date of release of Non Functional Selection Grade-I
[Rs.37400-67000 + Grade Pay Rs.8700/- (Pre Revised)] – Level 13 in the Pay Matrix (Revised), of following JKPS officers, in
partial modification of Government Order No.191 of 2022 dated 25.06.2022, with effect from the date as indicated against each:

J&K Placement of officers of General Executive Cadre in Non Functional Grades

J&K Placement of officers of General Executive pdf

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SKIMS Data Entry Operator Jobs Recruitment 2023, Eligibilty, Last date


SKIMS Data Entry Operator Jobs Recruitment 2023, Eligibilty, Last date


Pursuant upon the resignation of Mr. Uzaid Showket Handoo, Data Entry Operator, (Notice period already pre-informed on 1″ August 2023), Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Data Entry operator under the ICMR funded project entitled, “ICMR-National Registry on Venous Thrombo-Embolie Disorders (-Reg VED at Sheri-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Soura, Srinagar, purely on temporary basis, initially for a period of 06 (Six) months (extendable). The details of the post are as under: other administrative work.

Mode of Applying & Selection:
Applications as per the attached format with the attested copies of certificates/documents shall reach the office of the undersigned (General Medicine office; Room No. 23310) by or before 28 August 2023;

Timing: 10:30AM- 4PM. (Application form to be downloaded from SKIMS website 2 No application shall be entertained beyond the last date.

Applications without complete documents will not be entertained.

The terms & conditions for the post are as follows:

1. The posts will be filled up purely on temporary basis. Since, the post is purely temporary, the candidate(s) will have no claim for regular appointments under the above project or continuation of his/her services in any other project. Also, the candidates cannot claim for any regular appointment at this institute after the termination of the project.

JKBOPEE Provisional Merit List Post Basic Nursing-2023

SKIMS Data Entry Operator Jobs Recruitment 2023, Eligibilty, Last date

Kashmir University advertisement Notification 2023, check important dates,  Apply link


Kashmir University advertisement Notification 2023, check important dates,  Apply link

Brief Advertisement Notice No. 10 of 2023, dated: 24-08-2023

Online applications are invited from the domiciles of the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir for the below mentioned posts available in the University of Kashmir as per the mentioned.

01 Submission of Online Form/ Hard Copy from 31-08-2023

02 Last date for submission of Online Forms 30-09-202303 Last date for submission of Hard copies 03-10-2023

The detailed Advertisement Notice containing essential qualifications and other terms & conditions shall be available on the University website under
Jobs/Recruitment link from 31-08-2023..Kashmir University advertisement Notification 2023, check important dates,  Apply link

JKBOPEE Provisional Merit List Post Basic Nursing-2023

JKBOPEE Provisional Merit List
Post Basic Nursing-2023

Common Entrance Test for admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Course-2023:
Declaration of Result / Issuance of Provisional Merit List thereof.

Reference: i) Notification No. 029-BOPEE of 2023 dated 18-05-2023.
ii) Notice No.011-BOPEE of 2023 dated 15-06-2023.
iii) Notice No. 023-BOPEE of 2023 dated 28-07-2023.
iv) Notification No. 058-BOPEE of 2023 dated 11-08-2023. Notification No. 071-BOPEE of 2023 Dated 26-08-2023

The Result / Provisional Merit List of all the candidates, who had appeared in the Common Entrance Test conducted by the Board in pursuance to Notification No. 058-BOPEE of 2023 dated 11-08-2023 on 20.08.2023 for admission to the Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Course-2023 in the Government/ Private Colleges of UT of J&K is hereby notified as per Annexure-A to this Notification.

In case two or more candidates have obtained the same number of marks in the entrance test, the tie has been resolved as mentioned at page no. 25 under point no. 13 of e-Information Brochure available on the website of the Board, taking into consideration the D.O.B, followed by first Alphabet of candidates’ names shall be considered.

The candidate(s) who have any objection against his/her result, shall submit a written representation(s) along with a payment receipt of Rs.1000/- to be paid through POS Machine at the BOPEE Offices Srinagar/Jammu for the purpose of re-totaling of marks. The representation(s) in this regard shall be received upto three working days of uploading of this Notification on the BOPEE website by the Board after the declaration of result. No representation shall be entertained after the expiry of the prescribed date/time.

The counseling schedule for admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Course – 2023 shall be notified separately as and when decided by the Board.

The candidates are advised to visit the official website of the Board ( for daily updates in this regard.

JKBOPEE Provisional Merit List Post Basic Nursing-2023 pdf

Jammu Kashmir Latest weather update – Weather Outlook for next 1 week

Weather Update J&K (26.8.23)@11:30𝘼𝙈:

𝘾𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩: Intermittent Light Rain at some places of Jmu & Kmr ( Batote, Baltal-HolyCave, Phalgam etc.) & Cloudy at rest of the places.


𝙏𝙤𝙙𝙖𝙮:Generally Cloudy. Possibility of intermittent Light to Moderate Rain at scattered places of Jmu & Kmr.

27𝙩𝙝: Generally cloudy. Intermittent light to Moderate Rain/Snow over higher reaches at scattered places.

28𝙩𝙝: Partly cloudy.

8th Pass Helpers/AAYAs Recruitment 2023, Eligibility, Last Date, Application form

𝙊𝙪𝙩𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙣𝙭𝙩 1 𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙠:

Mainly Clear & Dry.


Farmers are advised to post pone harvesting of crops for nxt 2 days as Rain may damage d crops.