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JKSSB Provisional Selection List for Motor Vehicle Traffic Assistant and other posts

JKSSB Provisional Selection List for Motor Vehicle Traffic Assistant and other posts

Provisional Selection List for the posts under Item No. 194 (Motor Vehicle Traffic Assistant, Divisional Cadre, Kashmir, Sub-Department/Appointing Authority – Transport Department), Item No. 195 (Assistant Law Officer, Divisional Cadre, Kashmir, Sub-Department/Appointing Authority – Department of Law, Justice and PA), Item No. 198 (Motor Vehicle Inspector, Divisional Cadre, Kashmir, Sub-Department/Appointing Authority – Transport Department), Item No. 199 (Junior Librarian, District Cadre, Shopian, Sub-Department/Appointing Authority – School Education Department), Item No. 200 (Junior Librarian, District Cadre, Kulgam, Sub-Department/Appointing Authority – School Education Department), of the Department of Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (DMRRR), pursuant to Advertisement No. 05 of 2022 dated 09.09.2022.

Whereas, the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) advertised the aforesaid 30 posts among other posts of Department Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (DMRRR) vide Advertisement Notification No. 05 of 2021 dated 09.09.2022; and

Whereas, as per the Notification, the selection to these posts was to be made on the basis of Written Examination only and, accordingly, the JKSSB conducted the Computer Based Test (CBT) for these posts on 07.02.2023 and the result for these posts was declared on 31.05.2023 vide Notification No. JKSSB-COEOEXAM(UT)/06/2023-04 (7110979). Thereafter, on the basis of merit obtained by the candidates, the Document Verification was conducted on 15.06.2023, vide Notice No. JKSSB-COEOEXAM(UT)/48/2023-03 (7207093) dated 09.06.2023 and the Supplementary DV was conducted on 21.06.2023, vide Notice No. JKSSB-COEOEXAM(UT)/48/2023-03 (7207093) both at Jammu and Kashmir Offices, respectively. The selection Committee for the aforementioned posts was constituted vide

Order No. 153-SSB of 2023 dated 14.08.2023; and Whereas, the candidate figuring in the consideration zone for the two posts of Junior Librarian (199 and 200) was allowed to indicate the order of preference for these two posts posts/items manually by the DV Committee in Jammu on the date of Document verification; and

Whereas, for Item No. 198 (Motor Vehicle Inspector, Divisional Cadre Kashmir, Sub- Department/Appointing Authority Transport Department) of Department of Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction, advertised vide Advertisement

Notification No. 05 of 2022 dated 09.09.2022, 6 posts from among the categories of SC, ST, OSC and ALC/IB were de-reserved for filling them up from among the candidates of OM category as per Government Order No. 10 DMRRR of 2019 dated 06.03.2019, of the Department of Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction; and

Whereas, the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Jammu Bench, vide its order dated 22.09.2022, in the OA 1345/2022 (JAMMU) [SELECTION] in the case titled Sudhir Kumar Vs UT of J&K and others, has issued following direction:

“… The selection process in respect of one post of Motor Vehicle

Inspector shall be subject to final outcome of this O.A…”

Whereas, one post under PSP category for Item 198 (Motor Vehicle Inspector, Divisional Cadre Kashmir) in the advertisement No. 05 of 2022, will remain unfilled due to non-availability of an eligible candidate in the PSP (Pahari Speaking People) category; and

Whereas, the Board in its 241 Board Meeting, after deliberations, approved the Provisional Selection List for the posts under Item No. 194 (Motor Vehicle Traffic Assistant, Divisional Cadre, Kashmir, Sub-Department/Appointing Authority – Transport Department), Item No. 195 (Assistant Law Officer, Divisional Cadre, Kashmir, Sub-Department/Appointing Authority Department of Law, Justice and PA), Item No. 198 (Motor Vehicle Inspector, – Divisional Cadre, Kashmir, Sub-Department/Appointing Authority Transport Department), – Item No. 199 (Junior Librarian, District Cadre, Shopian, Sub-Department/Appointing Authority -School Education Department), Item No. 200 (Junior Librarian, District Cadre, Kulgam, Sub- Department/Appointing Authority – School Education Department), of the department of Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (DMRRR), pursuant to Advertisement No. 05 of 2022 dated 09.09.2022.

JKSSB Provisional Selection List pdf

Govt announces 24 hours ‘Traffic Dry Day’ on NH-44


Govt announces 24 hours ‘Traffic Dry Day’ on NH-44

Srinagar, Oct 20 (KNO): Jammu & Kashmir Government has announced 24 hours ‘Traffic Dry Day’, to carry necessary repair works at Dhalwas by NHAI.

An advisory issued by SSP, Traffic National Highway, in this regard reads that in reference to Public Works (R&B) Departments communication and necessary order issued by District Magistrate Ramban, there will be 24 Hours ‘Traffic Dry Day’ on Jammu-Srinagar National Highway (NH-44), beginning at 12:00 AM on the night of October 21st/22nd 2023, in view of the road repair work to be carried out at Dhalwas by NHAI.

The Advisory further reads that in light of the aforesaid order of District Magistrate Ramban, people are requested to adhere to the traffic advisory and No LMV /HMV (Except medical emergency vehicles) will be allowed to ply on NH-44 between Navyuga Tunnel-Nashri Tunnel and Vice-Versa from 12:00 AM on 21st October-2023 till 12:00 AM on 22nd October-2023—(KNO)

JKPSC Provisional Select List for the post of Assistant Professor


JKPSC Provisional Select List for the post of Assistant Professor, Functional English

Provisional Select List for the post of Assistant Professor, Functional English, in Higher Education Department.

Notification No. 79 -PSC (DR-S) of 2023 Dated: 19.10.2023

Whereas, the Higher Education Department, vide letter No. HE/Coll/Coord/Apptt/A.P./2021 dated 05.07.2021 and No. HED-GAZ/85/2022-04 dated 13.04.2022, referred Four (04) posts (OM: 02, RBA: 01, SC: 01) of Assistant Professor, Functional English, to the J&K Public Service Commission, for selection of suitable candidates; and,

Whereas, the J&K Public Service Commission, vide Notification No. 06- PSC (DR-P) OF 2023 dated: 01.03.2023, advertised the said posts for selection; and,

Whereas, written test was conducted on 27.08.2023. The result of the written test was declared vide Notification No. PSC/Exam/S/2023/58 dated: 05.10.2023, in pursuance of Rule 42 of J&K Public Service Commission (Conduct of Examination) Rules, 2022 and Rule 31 of J&K Public Service Commission (Business & Procedure) Rules, 2021, as amended up-to-date; and,

Whereas, 21 candidates qualified for interview; and,

Whereas, the interview/viva-voce of candidates was conducted on 17.10.2023 with the assistance of Experts from outside of the UT.

Now, therefore, on the basis of the performance in the written test, interview, and other related parameters, in pursuance of Rule 45 of the J&K Public Service Commission (Business & Procedure) Rules, 2021, the merit of the candidates who appeared in the interview is enclosed as Annexure-“A” to this Notification.

Consequent upon the details given here-in-above, the candidates whose particulars are given in Annexure-B, are provisionally selected against the said posts.


1. The Commission reserves the right to have certificates/documents of the candidates verified, if at any later stage found expedient to do so. The selection. of the candidates is purely provisional and is subject to the outcome of writ petition(s) pending before any competent Court of law.

Provisional Selection List pdf

IUST Recruitment 2023 for Field Investigator and Research Assistant posts


IUST Recruitment 2023 for Field Investigator and Research Assistant posts


Applications on prescribed format are invited from the eligible and interested candidates for the
below mentioned positions available in the research project on “Impact Assessment of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana in Improving Financial Inclusion in Jammu and Kashmir (UT).”

The project has been sanctioned by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR).”

Interested candidates may send their duly filled application form (as per enclosed format) along-
with their detailed CV and relevant certificates (as a single PDF form) through email to
[email protected] by or before 29-10-2023. Candidates may apply for both the posts on
same form and the short listing shall be done on the basis of merit. List of eligible candidates for the interview shall be uploaded on university website Date of interview will be communicated through email / IUST website.


1. The above post are purely temporary and co-terminus within the tenure and the candidates shall
not claim for regular appointments in the university.

2. Selection will be exclusively on basis of interview.

3. The University reserves the right to terminate the contract of non-performing candidates at any
time without prior notice.

4. The salary component is subject to the release of funds by the funding agency.

5. Eligible candidates must bring all the testimonials/certificates(in original and one attested copy)at
the time of interview.

6. No TA/DA will be provided to the candidates appearing for the interview.

7. Candidates will have to produce original documents relating to their qualification, experience etc.
at the time of appearing in the interview.

8. The University reserves the right to defer/not to filling up of post advertised here-in above,
without assigning any reason thereof.

9. In case candidate wants to withdraw, he/she must serve one month notice period (or one month

10. The terms and conditions governing the service shall be as per the rules & regulations of
university and/or funding agency (wherever applicable) with amendments from time to time.

IUST Recruitment 2023 PDF

Kashmir University Accommodation List (Boys Hostels), Download pdf

Kashmir University Accommodation List (Boys Hostels)

Accommodation List (Boys Hostels)
The following bonafide students of the University have been provisionally selected for accommodation in the Boys Hostels of the University (Main and Zakura Campus).

The selected students are directed to approach the office of the Provost to collect authority slips and submit the same in the offices of the hostels allotted to them and
complete the other required formalities by or before 6th Nov.2023 in the same offices
(Warden offices). The accommodation is also subject to the genuineness of the
semester as mentioned in the application form.

Students having any query/ grevience(s) about the selection list need to contact office of the Provost by or before 26th Oct. 2023 or alternatively can contact following phone no’s.

Kashmir University Accommodation List PDF

SKIMS to start free of cost HIV Viral Load Testing: MoU signed


SKIMS to start free of cost HIV Viral Load Testing: MoU signed

Srinagar, Oct 20 (GNS): Jammu and Kashmir AIDS Control Society (JKACS) and Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Soura, Srinagar, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding for starting free of cost HIV viral load testing of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) in SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar by utilizing the spare testing capacity of COBAS RT-PCR equipments for the quantitative HIV– 1 Viral Load Testing in the Department of Microbiology.

At present, the samples of PLHIV’s are being sent to Chandigarh for viral load testing. This in-house testing at SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar will reduce the turnaround time in the reporting of the final result which will help the clinicians to provide timely treatment to the PLHIV’s. A similar kind of MoU was signed between JKACS and GMC, Jammu few days back only and now with the signing of MOU with SKIMS the patients of J&K will be immensely benefited as such kind of facility in their own region will save a lot of time, effort and expenses.

The MOU was signed in presence of Professor Parvaiz A Koul, Director SKIMS and Ex–Officio Secretary to Government, Dr. Tabassum Jabeen, Director Family Welfare, J&K, Dr. Manu Bhatnagar, Additional Director, J&K AIDS Control Society, H&ME Department and Dr. Bashir Ahmad, HOD, Department of Microbiology, SKIMS, alongwith concerned officers from Department of Microbiology, SKIMS and J&K AIDS Control Society.(GNS)

GATE 2024: Check registration Last Date, exam date & other important  points


GATE 2024: Check registration Last Date, exam date & other important  points

Candidates can apply for GATE 2024 with an additional amount of ₹500 on

The application window for GATE 2024 with late fee ends today, October 20. Candidates who are yet to apply for the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2024 can submit their forms with an additional amount of 500 on

This means, now, the application fee is 1,400 (previously 900) for candidates belonging to SC, ST and PwD candidates and 2,300 (previously 1,800) for all others.

However, candidates who had applied before the deadline of October 13 can add papers till today with the regular fee, IISc Bangalore, organising institute of the examination, said.

Next, the application form correction window will open on November 7 and close on November 11.

The examination will be held on February 3, 4, 10 and 11, 2024. Results are scheduled for March 16.

To apply for GATE, candidates need to have an UG degree from a recognised university in Engineering, Technology, Science, Architecture or Humanities disciplines.

Those who are studying in the final year/semester of their undergraduate course in Engineering, Technology, Science, Architecture or Humanities can also apply for and appear in the examination

Here is the direct link to apply for GATE 2024.

DRDO Recruitment 2023 Apply Online for Various Scientist Vacancies, Last date, eligibility 


DRDO Recruitment 2023 Apply Online for Various Scientist Vacancies, Last date, eligibility 

DRDO Recruitment 2023: In pursuit of self-reliance in critical technologies relevant to national security, DRDO formulates and executes programmes of scientific research, design, development, testing and evaluation of various systems, subsystems, devices and products required for defence of the nation. DRDO employs highly qualified and competent Scientists and Technologists in Group ‘A’ Technical Service known as Defence Research & Development Service (DRDS) RAC invites online applications through RAC website ( for the posts of scientists in the DRDS cadre of DRDO vide DRDO Advertisement No.147 under Lateral Recruitment Scheme.

Applications are invited for recruitment against 51 vacancies of Scientists in various grades viz, Scientist ‘C’ to Scientist ‘F’ under various Science & Engineering disciplines relevant to DRDO

Defence Research and Development Organisation, DRDO, RAC has invited applications for Scientist posts. Eligible candidates can apply online through the official website of DRDO RAC at This recruitment drive will fill up 51 posts in the organization.

The registration process will begin on October 21, 2023 and will end on November 17, 2023. Read below for eligibility and other details.

We’re now on WhatsApp. Click to join.

Vacancy Details

  • Scientist F: 2 posts
  • Scientist E: 14 posts
  • Scientist D: 8 posts
  • Scientist C: 27 posts

Pay Structure

  • Scientist F: 1,31,100/-
  • Scientist E: 1,23,100/-
  • Scientist D: 78,800/-
  • Scientist C: 67,700/-

DRDO RAC Scientist Recruitment 2023: How to apply

To apply for the posts, candidates can follow the steps given below.

  • Visit the official website of RAC at
  • Click on DRDO RAC Scientist Recruitment 2023 link available on the home page.
  • Enter the registration details and register yourself.
  • Login to the account and fill the application form.
  • Once done, make the payment of application fees.
  • Click on submit and download the page.
  • Keep a hard copy of the same for further need.

For more related details candidates can check the official website of DRDO RAC.

Official Notification Here

Kashmir boy Afaq Shafi secures spot in Top 20 of Indian Idol show


Kashmir boy Afaq Shafi secures spot in Top 20 of Indian Idol show

Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir) [India], October 19 (ANI): What could be more satisfying than attaining your dream? The same thing happened to a young Kashmiri singer Afaq Shafi, who made it to the Top 20 of the singing reality show ‘Indian Idol 14’.

Hailing from Shalimar, Afaq has longed to perform on the stage of the singing reality show since his childhood, and after years of effort, he finally realised his dream. He credited his parents and the almighty for helping him get to this point.

He told ANI, “I have been singing since childhood, and no one has taught me. All I learned is from social media and YouTube. I didn’t have exposure on how to sing and where to sing, and I got chances to showcase my talent through social media.”

Afaq started his YouTube channel in 2019 and after receiving excellent feedback from music fans, he received backing from his parents to pursue a music career.

Although it was not an easy road, and he battled economic challenges as well as cultural preconceptions, his passion for music and his family’s steadfast support spurred him ahead.

He gave auditions online initially and then also travelled to Delhi and Mumbai to give the auditions.

“Before reaching the Indian Idol auditions, I had given many auditions, and I told them I hadn’t learned anywhere and I would sing without a band. The judges appreciated me and said I had to sing with a band and music. I performed well and got selected in the top 20,” he added.

He took inspiration from singers like Arijit Singh, Kumar Sanu, Mohammed Rafi and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. On ‘Indian Idol’ while performing with other contestants he learned from them.

From his experience on the show, he wants to inspire aspiring singers in Kashmir. “I want to learn from the experience on the show and become an inspiration for young singers in Kashmir.” (ANI)

G V Sundeep Chakravarthy assumes charge as SSP Anantnag


G V Sundeep Chakravarthy assumes charge as SSP Anantnag

Anantnag, Oct 20 (KNO): Dr G V Sundeep Chakravarthy today assumed the charge as Senior Superintendent of Police Anantnag.

According to a statement, issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) an his arrival, he was warmly received by senior police officers of the district and guard of honour was also presented.

The statement reads that the outgoing SSP Ashish Mishra IPS, handed over the baton to the new incumbent in a brief but impressive function.

“On assuming the charge the new incumbent held introductory meeting with police officers of the district and impressed upon officers to work with dedication and enthusiasm to mitigate problems faced by community members,” it reads—(KNO)